Affine transforms - matrix algebra

Pavel Safrata pavel.safrata at
Tue Aug 14 00:44:55 PDT 2012

Hi Richard,
so should we do all those renames?

getDistance -> distance
getCenter -> midPoint
getAngle -> angle
getLength -> magnitude
getDeterminant -> determinant
getRow -> row
getColumn -> column
get -> element?


On 13.8.2012 18:38, Richard Bair wrote:
> In the JavaFX API, we've avoided using get prefix for anything that isn't an actual getter method for a property. I think layout is the only place we've violated this. So I'd more use "length(param)" vs. "getLength(param)" personally.
> Richard
> On Aug 13, 2012, at 9:26 AM, Pedro Duque Vieira wrote:
>> Hi Pavel,
>>      public Point3D add(Point3D point)
>>>          // Creates a point with distances from origin added (adds two
>>> vectors)
>>>      public Point3D subtract(Point3D point)
>>>          // Creates a point with the given point's distances from origin
>>> subtracted
>>>          // (subtracts two vectors)
>>>      public Point3D normalize()
>>>          // Gets a point in the same direction from the origin with
>>> distance from the origin equal to one
>>>          // (normalizes a vector)
>>>    ? should the above three methods be named getSomething to stress that
>>> the operation doesn't modify the object?
>> Yes, I think it's better to call them getSomething.
>> public double getLength()
>>>          // Gets distance from the origin (lenght of a vector)
>> I'd prefer getMagnitude(), this way it's obvious your getting the lenght of
>> a vector
>> Your missing:
>> - getAngle()
>> // gets the angle of the vector
>> - getType
>> // returns whether this represents a vector or a point
>> Your missing on matrix or affine:
>> - transpose()
>> // transposes the matrix
>> Thanks, best regards,
>> -- 
>> Pedro Duque Vieira

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