Are more font variants in the pipeline?

Richard Bair richard.bair at
Fri Aug 17 07:50:16 PDT 2012

Are you able to get the font in Extrabold from within Java code? That is, do you know the problem is CSS or is it in the platform itself?


On Aug 17, 2012, at 6:48 AM, Randahl Fink Isaksen wrote:

> I noticed that the current CSS implementation only supports regular fonts, italic fonts, and bold fonts.
> Many modern fonts come in more variants – Open Sans, for instance, comes in variants 
> Light, Regular, Italic, Light Italic, Bold, Extrabold, Semibold, Bold Italic, Extrabold Italic, and Semibold Italic. 
> Have I overlooked something or am I right that it is impossible to style a JavaFX app using CSS and get one of these variants, say, Open Sans Semibold?
> Randahl

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