JavaFX 8.0
Joe McGlynn
joe.mcglynn at
Sat Aug 18 07:32:01 PDT 2012
Right, my thinking is that we should be tracking voted bugs and tweaks *during* a release. When we're *planning* a release looking at features/enhancements is appropriate.
On Aug 18, 2012, at 3:32 AM, Daniel Zwolenski <zonski at> wrote:
> Sounds great Joe. Just a small one: I noticed in your screen shot your top rated issues were different to what mine is showing. Yours looks to be limited to 182 issues, so I assume you've got some extra filter on at the moment (is that just the bugs/tweaks list?).
> Just for general interest, currently the top 3 rated issues across the board are:
> * Add android support (44 votes)
> * Camera and Microphone (36 votes)
> * Add a TreeTable (34 votes)
> Possibly we'll see this change if you guys start to really use the votes as an input to what order things get considered for future releases.
> There's some real little ones ranking pretty high (like FileChooser need to be able to specify initial file name in save dialog). Could be some easy wins in there.
> On Sat, Aug 18, 2012 at 12:45 AM, Joe McGlynn <joe.mcglynn at> wrote:
> I'm pushing this one forward, we need to decide the best way to integrate this into our processes internally but it's clearly the right thing to do.
> I made a widget like yours, my thinking is that for planning a new release we need to consider "top voted issues" - meaning features, enhancements, bugs, tweaks, etc. During the release we need to track top voted bugs (or bugs & tweaks, or...).
> We'll get this sorted out internally and then report back.
> Joe
> <PastedGraphic-2.tiff>
> --
> On Aug 17, 2012, at 5:00 AM, Kevin Rushforth <Kevin.Rushforth at oracle.COM> wrote:
>> As for making use of the voting mechanism, it seems like it could be a useful data point. I like Joe's idea of making it more visible to development teams.
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