IllegalAccessException after updating 2.1 to 2.2

Werner Lehmann lehmann at
Mon Aug 20 02:15:25 PDT 2012

Hi Greg,

bug report:

About ignoring the exception I have added a comment to the ticket:

> I am worried about any public (legacy) initialize() methods which
> will be called unexpectedly by the loader. It seems simple enough to
> require @FXML on the method though. This would fix the problem, and
> the exception does not have to be ignored. Of course, it would be
> consistent to require the same for the resources and location fields.


On 17.08.2012 14:52, Greg Brown wrote:
> Sorry about this. I thought that this had been fixed before the 2.2
> release, but it was not. A similar issue was raised a while back
> with respect to injection of the "location" and "resources" fields.
> If a legacy class defined one of these fields and was not properly
> annotated, injection would fail. This was fixed such that FXMLLoader
> now ignores IllegalAccessException when injecting those fields, but
> I did not think to make a similar change for the initialize()
> method.
> Can you please file a bug report? Thanks.
> Greg

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