Update on the JavaFX 8.0 (formerly 3.0) release in JDK8

Tom Schindl tom.schindl at bestsolution.at
Tue Aug 21 14:13:17 PDT 2012


Just to make sure I get this right. JavaFX will be on the bootclasspath
for JDK8 but there won't be a JSR, right?

Why do I ask for a JSR? In OSGi we have so called profiles e.g. for
Java6 SE, Java7 SE who hold the packages part of the JDK/JRE but if
there's no JSR one can't rely that a Java-Install which identifies
oneself as Java8 is having and we can't have those in the Java8 SE profile.

We already have ideas how we can solve the none-JSR case but they are
not the ideal solution (the one we need to role in case you put it on
the 7u8/10 bootclasspath).


Am 20.08.12 15:25, schrieb Kevin Rushforth:
> Here is an update on the JavaFX "Lombard" release.
> As you saw from Richard's e-mail last week, the version number for the
> Lombard release has been changed from 3.0 to 8.0 to reflect alignment
> with JDK8 and as a step toward having a single version number that
> identifies both. We will still use "Lombard" in JIRA to identify the 8.0
> release. Any reference to 3.0 from here on out should be treated by
> adding 5 to get the right result. :)
> Second, weekly early access builds of JavaFX 8.0 will be available
> shortly as part of the weekly JDK 8 builds. We hope this will happen
> starting later this week.
> Third, the openjfx repositories for JavaFX 8.0 are in the process of
> being created and should be available this week.
> -- Kevin

B e s t S o l u t i o n . a t                        EDV Systemhaus GmbH
tom schindl                 geschäftsführer/CEO
eduard-bodem-gasse 5-7/1   A-6020 innsbruck     fax      ++43 512 935833
http://www.BestSolution.at                      phone    ++43 512 935834

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