NPE after drag and drop

Werner Lehmann lehmann at
Wed Aug 22 05:14:27 PDT 2012


the following bug is about an NPE after DND on fx panels. The same 
things happens also if DND occurs exclusively in Swing land:

[#RT-21836] NPE on drag&drop controls in JFXPanel

The ticket has been resolved already, with fix-version Lombard and label 
"222-candidate". This fix is very important for us: a core function of 
the application depends on drag and drop. Losing this would be a major 
show-stopper. This function is also used frequently in demos and 
prerelease versions, so the defect would be quite visible.

I am not sure if this is the right place (probably not) but I'd like to 
ask to include this fix in one of the upcoming 2.2 betas. Thanks!


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