API review: fix for TableViewBuilder- reference to create is ambiguous (RT-24272)
Eva Krejcirova
eva.krejcirova at oracle.com
Mon Aug 27 13:44:20 PDT 2012
On 27.8.2012 18:17, Kevin Rushforth wrote:
> I think Richard's question is more about whether an existing binary
> class file compiled with 2.2 will run on FX 8.
Yes, it will (at least I hope that I tested this correctly :-)).
> In other words, does this break just source compatibility or both
> source and binary compatibility?
> -- Kevin
> Eva Krejcirova wrote:
>> Hi Richard,
>> On 8/24/2012 4:14 PM, Richard Bair wrote:
>>> One question: you mention that this is a source incompatible change.
>>> But is it a runtime incompatible change? That is, if I have a JavaFX
>>> app already compiled against Java 6, and I run it on Java 7 or Java
>>> 8, will it break? Or is it only something I have to do to my sources
>>> at compile time?
>> If I tested it correctly, if you have JavaFX app which you compiled
>> with JavaFX 2.2 (with any version of Java) you will be able to run it
>> with JavaFX 8 after this change (because of type erasure).
>> This is the reason why I left the second version of create (<?, ?>
>> create()) in the proposal - so that it hides the <?> create() from
>> Region.
>> Eva
>>> Thanks
>>> Richard
>>> On Aug 24, 2012, at 6:50 AM, Eva Krejcirova wrote:
>>>> Hi All,
>>>> We are having problems with the way our builders are created -
>>>> Basically, this code:
>>>> ChoiceBoxBuilder.<String>create()
>>>> .id("choiceBox")
>>>> .items(FXCollections.observableArrayList("item1", "item2"))
>>>> .build();
>>>> or this one:
>>>> TableView<Job> tableView1 = TableViewBuilder.<Job>create();
>>>> doesn't compile anymore in JavaFX 8.0 when using Java 7 - it fails
>>>> with error: reference to create is ambiguous, both method create()
>>>> in RegionBuilder and method<T>create() in ComboBoxBuilder match
>>>> ComboBox<String> combo =
>>>> ComboBoxBuilder.<String>create().build();
>>>> where T is a type-variable:
>>>> T extends Object declared in method<T>create()
>>>> Unfortunately there is no simple solution for this and the one I am
>>>> proposing requires some incompatible API changes which are the
>>>> reason for this email.
>>>> First some background:
>>>> We didn't have this problem up until now because all ancestors of
>>>> ChoiceBox and other controls were abstract, so there was just one
>>>> create() method in their builders.
>>>> (this one: public static<T>
>>>> javafx.scene.control.ChoiceBoxBuilder<T, ?> create() )
>>>> Now however, Control extends Region which is not an abstract class,
>>>> which means that TableViewBuilder now extends RegionBuilder and
>>>> inherits create() method from RegionBuilder (this one: public
>>>> static javafx.scene.layout.RegionBuilder<?> create()). And the
>>>> compiler doesn't know which one of the create() methods to pick
>>>> (Java 6 compiles this just fine, this issue manifest itself when
>>>> compiled with Java 7). Since the behavior of Java 7 is correct,
>>>> this must be fixed on our side.
>>>> My proposal is to add another create method to parametrized classes
>>>> which would take the type as an argument e.g.
>>>> public static<T> javafx.scene.control.ChoiceBoxBuilder<T, ?>
>>>> create(final Class<T> type) {
>>>> return new javafx.scene.control.ChoiceBoxBuilder();
>>>> }
>>>> and make the create() without arguments non-generic, so it hides
>>>> the create in Region:
>>>> public static javafx.scene.control.ChoiceBoxBuilder<?, ?>
>>>> create() {
>>>> return new javafx.scene.control.ChoiceBoxBuilder();
>>>> }
>>>> This way, the user can create the builder like this:
>>>> ChoiceBoxBuilder.create(String.class)
>>>> .id("choiceBox")
>>>> .items(FXCollections.observableArrayList("item1", "item2"))
>>>> .build();
>>>> Unfortunately this change will break some already existing code
>>>> (but I don't see any better way for solving this).
>>>> E.g. this code:
>>>> ChoiceBox chb =
>>>> ChoiceBoxBuilder.<String>create().items(FXCollections.observableArrayList("one",
>>>> "two")).build();
>>>> will still not be compilable and will have to be rewritten (but at
>>>> least there will be a way to do it).
>>>> I already have the fix ready and I tested that it works but am open
>>>> to other suggestions how to solve this problem if anybody has some
>>>> better ones :-)
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Eva
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