Syntax for image-pattern support in CSS

Jim Graham james.graham at
Fri Aug 31 22:33:07 PDT 2012

As I read the implementation (and we tried to get the docs to match the 
implementation, but we've been fumbling with them for a release and a 
half now to get it right) - the coordinates are only relative to the 
shape if it is proportional...


On 8/31/12 7:31 PM, Richard Bair wrote:
>> Is that overkill?
> I hope so, cause I don't want to do that much work for the tweak! :-)
>> Where is the origin for the repeating case?
> That is a really good question. It seems to me that it must be shape origin. I will write some tests to see if I got this right. As I read the ImagePattern documentation, it seems that this is what (0, 0) means -- relative to the shape's upper left corner (not the origin)?
>   *<p>The {@code ImagePattern} class fills a shape with an image pattern. The
>   * user may specify the anchor rectangle, which defines the position,
>   * width, and height of the image relative to the upper left corner of the
>   * shape. If the shape extends out of the anchor rectangle, the image is tiled.
> Richard

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