Request for comments – interface Rectangular

Randahl Fink Isaksen randahl at
Sat Dec 1 12:18:22 PST 2012

I have on a few occasions had to determine the width and height of a Node. It turns out, that this is not that easy, because JavaFX does not yet have a common interface for all nodes that have a width and a height. Consequently, I suggest an interface Rectangular to be added:

interface Rectangular {
    double getWidth();
    double getHeight();

This interface would have the benefit of making measuring node size considerably simpler. Before:

		if(node instanceof Region || node instanceof Control || node instanceof Rectangle […]) {
			double width = -1;
			double height = -1;
			if(node instanceof Region) {
				width = ((Region) node).getWidth();
				height = ((Region) node).getHeight();
			else if(node instanceof Control) {
				width = ((Control) node).getWidth();
				height = ((Control) node).getHeight();
			else if(node instanceof Rectangle) {
				width = ((Rectangle) node).getWidth();
				height = ((Rectangle) node).getHeight();
			// do something with the width and height

And after

		if(node instanceof of Rectangular) {
			double width = ((Rectangular) node).getWidth();
			double height = ((Rectangular) node).getHeight();
			// do something with the width and height

I would very much like to discuss if this concept could be helpful for all of us.



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