Porting from Swing - JavaFX 2 for JDK 6 for Mac needed

Artem Ananiev artem.ananiev at oracle.com
Mon Dec 3 01:46:30 PST 2012

Hi, Tobi,

if I read you email correctly, you're saying that you can't migrate your 
Swing applications from JDK6 to JDK7, because JDK7 has bugs on OS X. 
Well, fair enough, but I still encourage everybody to try every next 
JDK7 update release to check if their favorite bug is fixed.

Then you said you need JDK6 for JavaFX development. Could you provide 
more details about it, please? JavaFX does not depend on AWT, Swing, or 
Java2D, unless you use JFXPanel or Java2D graphics pipeline. Therefore 
AWT/Swing/Java2D issues in JDK7 should not prevent you from writing 
JavaFX apps on Mac.



On 12/1/2012 12:58 AM, Tobias Bley wrote:
> Hi,
> we plan to develop new module for our current Swing based software in
> JavaFX 2. Our commercial swing apps are based on JDK6 because
> OpenJDK7 for mac is not really ready for production use (graphical
> issues, no retina support, no 32bit support, …)
> So currently we can't port our swing apps to OpenJDK 7 on Mac (JDK7
> for windows is good). To develop new peaces of our swing based apps
> in JavaFX 2 we need JFX for JDK6 on mac! Currently there is only JFX2
> for JDK6 on windows available.
> Is it possible to use JFX2 on (32bit) JDK6 on mac?
> Best regards,
> Tobi

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