Provide source files of JavaFX for JDK8 preview builds

Dr. Michael Paus mp at
Tue Dec 11 10:42:38 PST 2012

I just dared to ask because the JIRA is from May and nothing happened 
since then.
If more people would show an interest in that maybe that could raise the 
priority of it.

Am 11.12.2012 19:21, schrieb Richard Bair:
> Kevin, don't we have a JIRA for this?
> Richard
> On Dec 11, 2012, at 9:21 AM, Dr. Michael Paus <mp at> wrote:
>> Hi,t
>> I wonder whether it would be possible to distribute the corresponding JavaFX source
>> code as a zip-file together with each new JDK8 preview build in a way similar to the standard
>> Java sources or the javadoc files. This would make debugging and error reporting a lot
>> easier because you could step right into the code when you encounter a problem.
>> LG, Michael

Dr. Michael Paus, Chairman of the Java User Group Stuttgart e.V. (JUGS).
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