Drombler FX: building modular JavaFX applications with OSGi and Maven

Tom Schindl tom.schindl at bestsolution.at
Thu Dec 13 13:24:30 PST 2012

Hi Filipe,

>From code inspection I think Florians solution is the way to get JavaFX
running in Felix because he's modifying
"org.osgi.framework.system.packages.extra". If I'm not 100% mistaken
your solution will hit what I describe at
http://tomsondev.bestsolution.at/2012/08/01/javafx-2-2-and-osgi/ in the
"Straight Repackageing" section.

In short: If a user runs with your solution on a JDK which has JavaFX
preinstalled the native code from the JDK will be picked up and the
Java-Code from your module-fx and there are good chances that they don't

If I got the solution from Florian right he's using
org.osgi.framework.system.packages.extra to teach OSGi the new packages
and somehow modifies the application classpath, or something similar.

My Equinox solution on the other hand has the advantage that you don't
have to control the bootstraping which is e.g. the case when you want to
use JavaFX inside an Eclipse Plugin.


Am 13.12.12 18:00, schrieb Filipe Portes:
> Hi everyone,
> I create a simple project called ModuleFX that also make you capable of run
> JavaFX application over OSGI, It's still very simple, but if anyone get
> intersted here's the link:
> https://github.com/filipeportes/ModuleFX
> On Sun, Dec 9, 2012 at 11:09 AM, Florian Brunner <fbrunnerlist at gmx.ch>wrote:
>> Hi everybody,
>> I'm happy to announce the availabilty of a first Early Access version of
>> Drombler FX. Drombler FX is a modular Rich Client Platform for JavaFX.
>> You can read more about it here: http://puces-
>> blog.blogspot.ch/2012/12/drombler-fx-building-modular-javafx.html
>> There's a Getting Started page which explains how to create, build and run
>> a
>> Drombler FX sample application with a few simple steps:
>> http://wiki.drombler.org/GettingStarted
>> - Florian

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