How to set grid line color in CSS?

Tom Eugelink tbee at
Mon Dec 17 06:10:40 PST 2012

Ok. But OTOH how hard can it be to assign a CSS class to those lines? I'd go for a Jira issue.


On 2012-12-17 14:46, Randahl Fink Isaksen wrote:
>  From the docs of GridPane:
> gridLinesVisible
> For debug purposes only: controls whether lines are displayed to show the gridpane's rows and columns.
> – if you want to create something like a table with lines between borders, use a HBox to contain the columns and a VBox for each column, and style the columns using -fx-background-insets and -fx-background-color.
> Randahl
> On Dec 17, 2012, at 14:42 , Mark Bulthuis <mark.bulthuis at> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> It seems simple. Create a GridPane and add css property to define the color of the lines,
>> If you take a look at the source of GridPane, method createGidline,  a constant GRID_LINE_COLOR is used:
>> private static final Color GRID_LINE_COLOR = Color.rgb(30, 30, 30);
>> All these methods are private.
>> Can someone tell me what to do?
>> Greetz,
>> Mark

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