The Next Great Thing: An Application Framework
Tom Schindl
tom.schindl at
Sun Feb 12 01:47:36 PST 2012
Am 12.02.12 06:59, schrieb Daniel Zwolenski:
> I like all the thinking on this front and the different initiatives (and
> the enthusiasm). I think there is a lot of room for us to exchange ideas
> (and code!) and either make sure each of the platforms is doing something
> unique, or merge efforts if they are not. One of my fundamental goals
> however is to not tie a developer into a specific development
> toolset/environment as much as possible (as a developer I hate it when I
> can't use my tools, so I try to make it so everyone else can use their
> weapon of choice too), so the frameworks based around Eclipse (or any
> specific IDE) are unfortunately not of direct appeal to me.
My RCP framework uses some of the core components developed at Eclipse
yes but Eclipse like Netbeans has a layered architecture which looks
like this for Eclipse:
| JVM |
| OSGi |
| E4AP |
| Eclipse SDK |
E4AP = Eclipse 4 Application Platform
So e(fx)clipse rcp forces you to use OSGi (at least Netbeans knows who
to deal with OSGi Bundles) - everything beside OSGi is provided but you
are not forced to use it.
The useage of dependency injection helps a lot in this respect because
if you don't want to use it simply don't let the framework inject it,
because there is no inheritance your component can be used even outside
e(fx)clipse rcp.
You want to use spring, fine. You want to use Guice, fine. You want to
use your own Event Bus, fine ....
You can now say OSGi is a no go for you but for an application framework
one has to provide extensibility and OSGi beside e.g. the Netbeans
module system is one of industry proven ones.
B e s t S o l u t i o n . a t EDV Systemhaus GmbH
tom schindl geschäftsführer/CEO
eduard-bodem-gasse 5-7/1 A-6020 innsbruck fax ++43 512 935833 phone ++43 512 935834
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