Why is the windows runtime/sdk only provided as .exe

Tom Schindl tom.schindl at bestsolution.at
Wed Jan 4 06:12:54 PST 2012


Now that since 2.0.2 (and also 2.1) are redistributeable it might make
sense to provide them also as simple ZIP-Files.

I find it odd that if I want to package JavaFX with my product that I
first have to install something only my system, navigate to the install
dir and copy over the stuff my own project directory.

Is it BTW possible to have 2.1 and 2.0.2 installed next to each other? I
guess not which makes it hard to test with both versions on the same
system, which would be made much more easy if provided as simple ZIP-Files.

Would you mind providing JavaFX 2.1 binaries (and maybe also > 2.0.2) as
a simple zip-File like you do it with 2.1 OS-X ones?


B e s t S o l u t i o n . a t                        EDV Systemhaus GmbH
tom schindl                 geschäftsführer/CEO
eduard-bodem-gasse 5-7/1   A-6020 innsbruck     fax      ++43 512 935833
http://www.BestSolution.at                      phone    ++43 512 935834

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