Why is the windows runtime/sdk only provided as .exe

Tom Schindl tom.schindl at bestsolution.at
Wed Jan 4 08:30:24 PST 2012

Hi Kevin,

Well maybe I'm blind but for win32 the there is NO zip available from
this page [1].

The only thing available currently as a zip is the OS-X SDK version
which misses the win32 native libs not? I'll file a JIRA.


Am 04.01.12 17:22, schrieb Kevin Rushforth:
> Good question. The SDK is available as both an installer and a zip, and
> we could consider make the runtime available as a zip file as well, so
> please file a JIRA feature request for this.
> As for your other question, it is not currently possible to have 2.0.2
> and 2.1 instaled side-by-side.
> -- Kevin
> Tom Schindl wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Now that since 2.0.2 (and also 2.1) are redistributeable it might make
>> sense to provide them also as simple ZIP-Files.
>> I find it odd that if I want to package JavaFX with my product that I
>> first have to install something only my system, navigate to the install
>> dir and copy over the stuff my own project directory.
>> Is it BTW possible to have 2.1 and 2.0.2 installed next to each other? I
>> guess not which makes it hard to test with both versions on the same
>> system, which would be made much more easy if provided as simple
>> ZIP-Files.
>> Would you mind providing JavaFX 2.1 binaries (and maybe also > 2.0.2) as
>> a simple zip-File like you do it with 2.1 OS-X ones?
>> Tom

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