State of OpenJFX

Richard Bair richard.bair at
Wed Jul 11 09:16:51 PDT 2012

Hi Mario,

Yes it is true a lot of the code is still internal (specifically Glass and Prism) but a lot of the core APIs are all open source now (scene graph and controls and charts), as well as the modifications to gstreamer and webkit for our media & web engines. We've also released the JemmyFX testing framework and hope to release more of the SQE tests which rely on it. Hoping to get the rest out there soon.


On Jul 11, 2012, at 1:02 AM, Mario Torre wrote:

> Hi all!
> It has been a bit that I don't follow the development of JavaFX, so I
> would like if possible to get a small overview of the state of the
> code.
> I see from the development page that we still need quite some bits
> from the closed repository to be able to build OpenJFX.
> What is the state of that, and how much closed code we still need to
> get the JFX experience? Any estimation when the rest will released?
> Thanks a lot!
> Mario
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