Affine transforms - matrix algebra

Martin Desruisseaux martin.desruisseaux at
Tue Jul 17 03:40:35 PDT 2012

Le 17/07/12 12:22, Pavel Safrata a écrit :
>> At this point, given the increasing amount of methods and the enum, I 
>> wonder if we should replace all those variants by a single method:
>> double[] getSubMatrix(int firstRow, int firstColumn, int numRows, int 
>> numColumns, double[] array);
> Besides the fact that I don't really like replacing a set of 
> straightforward methods by a single monster, this doesn't really work 
> for all the cases. The 2x3 matrix for instance contains
> xx xy tx
> yx yy ty
> which is, from the full 4x4 matrix, the first, second, and fourth column.

Right, I forgot that case.


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