Affine transforms - matrix algebra

Jim Graham james.graham at
Fri Jul 20 17:09:03 PDT 2012

I should have added that the reasons I think it creates a harmony of 
naming conventions is that we would have the association:

	appendFoo() is like adding Foo to the end of a
	Node.getTransforms() list


	prependFoo() is like doing foo with a *pre*Concatenate
	(or similarly, like prepending Foo to the start of a
	 Node tx list)

The append and prepend names follow reasonably straightforwardly from 
either of those two semantic models...


On 7/20/2012 5:02 PM, Jim Graham wrote:
> When I wrote my first reply in this thread I tried to warn people that I
> was coming back from vacation to a long thread and I hadn't double
> checked all of the math that was being proposed, so I was commenting
> from a general perspective that wasn't necessarily in agreement or
> conflict with the current proposal at the time. I hope that I didn't
> send people off on a wild goose chase based on my list of points that
> may have come from a negative "we shouldn't do this or that" kind of
> perspective.
> To switch things around, let me make some positive statements of
> something that I would find acceptable and which I think may have
> actually been formally proposed here (but I didn't "do the math" to
> verify that).
> I believe that the following produce equivalent transforms:
> --------------
> Node.getTransforms().add(new Scale(sx,sy));
> Node.getTransforms().add(new Translate(tx,ty));
> ---
> t = new java.awt.geom.AffineTransform();
> t.scale(sx, sy);
> t.translate(tx, ty);
> ---
> t = new java.awt.geom.AffineTransform();
> tmp = new java.awt.geom.AffineTransform();
> tmp.setToScale(sx, sy);
> t.concatenate(tmp);
> tmp.setToTranslate(tx, ty);
> t.concatenate(tmp);
> ---
> Node n...;
> Group g = new Group(n);
> g.setScale(sx, sy);
> n.setTranslate(tx, ty);
> --------------
> We also have the fact that "preConcatenate()" is mathematically
> reversed, and also inside-out from the perspective of what is being
> manipluated, as compared to concatenate().
> So, if "appendFoo(...)" was essentially equivalent to:
> - Node.getTransforms().add(new Foo(...));
> -;
> - t.concatenate(tmp.setToFoo(...));
> and "prependFoo(...)" was essentially equivalent to:
> - Node.getTransforms().add(0, new Foo(...));
> - we don't have a Java2D reverse for;
> - t.preConcatenate(tmp.setToFoo(...));
> then I could be happy. It may not have complete unambiguity in an
> absolute sense, but it would at least establish an internal consistency
> and harmony of naming conventions with respect to the JavaFX Node
> transform attributes and with the prior art in the Java geometry family
> (AffineTransform)...
> I feel that append, while we can argue the semantics of what it might
> mean mathematically, sounds like the more natural verb of the two forms
> of methods (comparing appendFoo to prependFoo), and in general it is the
> set of methods that they probably want to be using if they come from
> Java2D, or if they are writing code that takes a transform from
> somewhere else that defines their "transformation context" and they want
> to work within that (if you prepend, then you override the context
> someone set up for you, if you append, then you take their context and
> work relative to it).
> Is that what was being proposed before I came in and stomped on the
> discussion?
> ...jim

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