Transform point using localToSceneTransform

Pedro Duque Vieira pedro.duquevieira at
Tue Jul 24 15:55:43 PDT 2012


> I've already commented on this in the matrix algebra thread, but I
> wanted to throw into this discussion the following point:
> I'm neutral on whether or not we need Vector - I'll leave that to the
> people with extensive 3D experience to comment.  But, if transformation
> of vectors makes better sense to do a delta transform, and if we are
> adding deltaTransform() methods for other types (which I think we should
> do), then I think the "transform" method that does a "delta transform"
> on a Vector should actually be named "deltaTransform" for consistency,
> even if it is obvious that a vector should only be transformed that way...

I don't know what a delta transform is (never used it on my 3d work
background), so I cannot comment on that part.
All I can say is that I did use transform a vector by a given matrix
transform and it makes sense. It's basically a multiplication of a 4x4
matrix transform with a 1x4 matrix, just like what happens when you
transform a point3d.
So I think:
- void transform(Vector3d)
Should be present on the transform3d class.

Just my 2 cents,

Pedro Duque Vieira

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