setting prism.dirtyopts in WebStart

Kevin Rushforth kevin.rushforth at
Wed Jun 6 20:55:24 PDT 2012

If you mean can you set this in your JNLP file, then no you cannot set 
arbitrary System properties. On your local system, you can set it for 
testing via the Java Control Panel (doing so with affect this for all 
Java Web Start apps).

-- Kevin

Jose Martinez wrote:
> Hello,
> Has it been confirmed that setting prism.dirtyopts to false via JNLP is possible?  Is there a way to check?
> In my tests it looks like it is not being set because I still see problems that went away by setting prism.dirtyopts to false in standalone mode.
> From the JNLP syntax document it suggests that it is not possible. (scroll down to jvm-args attribute and property element) The java-vm-args attribute is restricted to the list of options in that link.  The "property" elements seems to be restricted also.
> thanks
> jose

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