JavaFX Form Validation

Randahl Fink Isaksen randahl at
Mon Jun 11 04:30:01 PDT 2012

I like your idea Tom. But if it should look like the existing JavaFX 
API's, it will probably be more like

myTextField.getValidators().addAll(new MandatoryValidator(), new 


On 11/06/12 13.27, Tom Eugelink wrote:
> +1 on the style. I was thinking in the line of this:
> new TextField().validators(new MandatoryValidator(), new 
> UserNameValidator());
> Tom
> On 2012-06-11 13:08, Randahl Fink Isaksen wrote:
>> Finally, from what I have seen of the JGoodies approach, it looks 
>> very procedural, and very programming intensive. I found this example 
>> online:
>> |public ValidationResult validate() {
>>     ValidationResult result = new ValidationResult();
>>     if (ValidationUtils.isEmpty(mUser.getUserName())) {
>>       result.addError("User name is required");
>>     }
>>     if (ValidationUtils.isEmpty(mUser.getPassword())) {
>>       result.addError("Password is required");
>>     }
>>     return result;
>>   }|
>> Even though the validation logic to check for emptiness is reusable, 
>> the developer still has to write a lot of if-then logic. I would much 
>> rather want JavaFX to have an object oriented approach, allowing me 
>> to write something like
>> TextField userNameTextField = new TextField(new UserNameValidator());
>> where the UserNameValidator class does all of the JGoodies stuff 
>> above for me and can easily be reused among different parts of my 
>> application. With this approach it is obvious that people will start 
>> sharing EmailAddressValidator, ConfigurablePasswordValidator, 
>> LicensePlateValidator, etc.

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