Update JavaFX in JFXPanel while EDT is blocked

Mario Torre neugens.limasoftware at gmail.com
Mon Jun 18 05:52:03 PDT 2012

Mantra for Swing programmers: never, never, ever do long running non
ui related things in the EDT :)

2012/6/15 Werner Lehmann <lehmann at media-interactive.de>:
> Hi,
> is there a way to force a JFXPanel to update itself while the EDT is
> blocked?
> This is my situation: on startup the Swing application shows a login screen
> with a progress bar. This login screen is a JFXPanel and the progress bar is
> a JavaFX control. In the background lots of initializations are going on,
> and much of this should run on the EDT. Therefore it is executing within
> SwingUtilties.invokeAndWait - but that also seems to block updates to the
> JFXPanel and the progressbar is not updated.
> Maybe I can force an immediate repaint of the progressbar only? After all, I
> am running two GUI toolkits at the same time, both with their own GUI
> threads, so I'd like to take advantage of that...
> Thx.
> Werner

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