Why does this list not have a reply-to?

Jim Graham james.graham at oracle.com
Mon Jun 18 12:30:12 PDT 2012

Personally, I prefer lists that are configured this way.  I found the 
following and skimmed through it and it seems to reflect my opinions on 
the matter:


In my mind, catering to users who do not have a habit of choosing reply 
to sender vs. reply to list when they create a reply is not as important 
as preventing "I was writing a private reply to the sender containing 
sensitive information or opinions and I chose "Reply to Sender" 
specifically for that purpose and the email server decided it would tell 
my email client to send that private reply to the list".

"Reply to list" lists make me shudder...  :(


On 6/16/2012 1:15 AM, Randahl Fink Isaksen wrote:
> Sorry if this has been asked before, but why is this mailing list not
> configured with a reply-to header, so that e-mail programs can figure
> out that when we hit reply, the reply address should be openjfx and
> *not* the sender address?
> I keep accidentally writing replies directly to the sender, and I have
> noticed I am not the only one doing so.
> Randahl

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