Confused about status of JFX+JRE cobundling

Igor Nekrestyanov igor.nekrestyanov at
Mon Jun 18 22:14:00 PDT 2012

short answer - try 7u6 (

longer version:
    * Staring 7u4 JDK for Mac included JavaFX SDK as "true" cobundle
       (i.e. one where JavaFX files are part of same bundle and there is 
no separate installer)
    * Starting JRE/JDK 7u6 JavaFX will be shipped as true cobundle on 
all platforms
       (JavaFX platforms, i.e. no Solaris).

And "true" cobundle means:
    * there is one installer to install JRE
    * it will installs set of core JRE and JavaFX files into the same folder
    * There will be one entry in the Program Files for JRE
    * JavaFX files are subject to autoupdate as part of JRE installation
(same is true for JDK and JavaFX SDK)

    * JavaFX is not official part of the Java platform yet (i.e. JavaFX 
APIs are not part of Java specification).
      This is what was planned to happen for Java 8
    * In 7u6 JavaFX will not be automatically added to classpath 
(neither for javac not java launcher).
    * There still will be standalone JavaFX installer for JavaFX 2.2 - 
it is only intended to be used with JRE 6 and only for windows.
      No cobundle for Java 6.

hope this helps,


On 6/18/12 10:02 PM, Daniel Zwolenski wrote:
> Hey guys,
> I'm a little confused about the status of JRE+JFX co-bundling at the
> moment. In an earlier mail Michael Paus implied that
> he tentatively believed JFX was now co-bundled in the JRE but I thought
> this wasn't happening until Java8? Richard also confirmed that releases are
> now in synch, which I assume a result of co-bundling as well.
> When I install JDK-7u5 it installs JFX-2.1 but separate to the main JRE
> install. i.e. the installer contains both packages but they are not
> installed as a single runtime (which is what I would expect with
> 'co-bundling').
> When I download and install JRE-7u5 it doesn't seem to contain any JFX
> classes at all?
> In the JRE that was extracted via Igor's Ensemble installer the JRE does
> seem to include JFX in exactly the way I would expect it if it were
> co-bundled (i.e. the jfxrt.jar and DLLs are all inside the JRE directory).
> Can you guys clear up for me where we are officially at with the
> co-bundling? Am I just being dumb and not seeing the JARs in my JRE
> install, or has co-bundling not happened yet - if not, why not: can't the
> JRE just have the JRE files in it the way Igor has done? Why would our
> local development versions not have it combined when our deployed versions
> do?
> Cheers,
> Dan

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