Reporting javafx bugs while working on commercial app

Pedro Duque Vieira pedro.duquevieira at
Mon Jun 25 11:40:43 PDT 2012


I have a problem reporting javafx bugs, the problem is I'm working on a
commercial app so I can't post the code out to the public on Jira. Is there
a way for me to post my code to the javafx team and be certain it will
remain private and won't be re-used by anyone?

Recently I posted a bug on jira but the small code snipped I posted didn't
seem to trigger the bug. I suggested to the javafx developer that I could
send him the jar file and he could remote debug the app, I also asked what
else could I do, but after that I got no answer back and the bug was simply
closed. The point is, is there some other way/procedure to report a bug
when dealing with commercial apps?

Thanks, best regards,

Pedro Duque Vieira

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