resizing of window

Pavel Safrata pavel.safrata at
Wed Jun 27 06:28:07 PDT 2012

Setting those properties should work.

On 27.6.2012 13:48, Jose Martinez wrote:
> Pavel,
> That worked great!  Thanks a lot.
> Is there are a way to change the window size from within the app?
> thanks
> jose
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* Pavel Safrata <pavel.safrata at>
> *To:* openjfx-dev at
> *Sent:* Wednesday, June 27, 2012 5:08 AM
> *Subject:* Re: resizing of window
> Hello,
> Window has width and height properties, you can register listeners to 
> them.
> With regards,
> Pavel
> On 27.6.2012 3:15, Jose Martinez wrote:
> > hello,
> >
> > I would like to support resizing of my app.  I imagine there are two 
> ways this could be done.
> >
> > 1)  Free flow resizing.  Users just change the window to their 
> desired size.  The app's root Parent will scale accordingly to fill in 
> the new window size.  To support this I would need to be notified that 
> the window size has changed and have access to the new window 
> dimensions.  From looking at the Stage and Window classes I do not see 
> any way to register a call back on window resize.  Is there a way to 
> accomplish this?
> >
> > 2)  From within the app user selects the window size they want.  
> This is less ideal but acceptable.  I did some tests and was happy 
> with the performance of the scaled root Parent, but did see flickering 
> and objects disappear (I am not too concerned about this yet because I 
> was doing live scaling changes, versus through an options section from 
> the title screen).  The problem that I did have was that I was not 
> able to change the window size.  I tried using 
> Stage.setHeight/setWidth and Stage.sizeToScene, but the window 
> remained unchanged.  I would first create a new Scene that matched the 
> new dimensions, update my Stage with the new Scene, then change the 
> dimensions of Stage.  Is there a way to change the window size from 
> within the app?
> >
> >      private static void resize() {
> >          if (scaleFactor > 0) {
> >              Scale scale = 
> ScaleBuilder.create().pivotX(0).pivotY(0).x(1 + .1 * scaleFactor).y(1 
> + .1 * scaleFactor).build();
> >              root.getTransforms().setAll(scale);
> >          } else {
> >              root.getTransforms().clear();
> >          }
> >          scene = new Scene(root, WIDTH * (1 + scaleFactor * 100), 
> HEIGHT * (1 + scaleFactor * 64));
> >          stage.setScene(scene);
> >          stage.sizeToScene();
> > //state.setHeight(scene.getHeight());
> > //state.setWidth(scene.getWidth());
> >;
> >      }
> >
> >
> > thanks
> > jose

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