Add getEditor() method to ComboBox

Jonathan Giles jonathan.giles at
Wed Mar 14 00:53:15 PDT 2012

After reading Toms email, perhaps I misinterpreted Tadashi's suggestion. 
I interpreted as suggesting an additional API as well as the text 
property. Perhaps instead the suggestion was to add the editor property 
in its place?

Certainly this approach is nicer in the sense that it is one less 
property API (so three less methods on ComboBox), but it also impacts 
the discoverability of the text property.

Opinions? Gut feelings? For me the editor property may be enough, 
without the need for having a text property.

-- Jonathan

On 14/03/2012 8:44 p.m., Tadashi Ohmura wrote:
> What about to add  getEditor() method  to ComboBox and also to 
> JFXtras' spinner
> If we want to set any input filter for a combobox
> we get a text input control and set change listener onto text property 
> of the text input control
>   public TextInputControl getEditor()
>     get a text input control if the combobox is editable
> Best regards
>   Tadashi Ohmura
> (2012/03/14 15:19), Jonathan Giles wrote:
>> Yes, the text value would be set on every keystroke - it would be 
>> bound to the text property on TextField, which works in precisely 
>> this manner.
>> Also, you're correct, the text property would only be useful in edit 
>> mode. In non-edit mode the property will never change.
>> -- Jonathan
>> On 14/03/2012 7:17 p.m., Tom Eugelink wrote:
>>> So this is a feature for edit mode only. When would the property be 
>>> set? On every keystroke?
>>> Tom
>>> On 2012-03-14 01:53, Jonathan Giles wrote:
>>>> Hi all (yet again),
>>>> A quick one this time:
>>>> I'm wanting to add a text property to ComboBox, to allow for people 
>>>> to easily set the text in the ComboBox without committing it to 
>>>> being a value. More importantly, this also allows for developers to 
>>>> extract the content of the ComboBox TextField without having to 
>>>> have end-users press the Enter key to commit the text into the 
>>>> value property.
>>>> Without this end users who want to support Enter-less committing of 
>>>> content have to reach into the ComboBox skin, which is not 
>>>> particularly pleasant.
>>>> Any thoughts?

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