openjfx-dev Digest, Vol 4, Issue 11

Jonathan Giles jonathan.giles at
Wed Mar 14 12:55:47 PDT 2012

There are intentions to include this feature, but no plan when it will 
be. Certainly it won't be in JavaFX 2.1 or 2.2, but perhaps it can be 
considered for whatever comes next.

-- Jonathan

On 8/03/2012 6:37 p.m., dandem sai pradeep wrote:
> Hi Jonathan,
> It is very interesting to see that, my much awaited feature is going to be
> added in tableview component :) ( ie., customized headers or graphic
> property in column header ).
> I am not sure whether this is a right context to ask this or not, Are there
> any plans to introduce the "Locking Column / Freeze Column" feature in the
> TableView.?
> A more explanatory example can be found in the below link..
> Some thing an extra feature(locked) for the TableColumn which will be like
> TableColumn column1 = new TableColumn();
> column1.setLocked(true);
> TableColumn column2 = new TableColumn();
> column2.setLocked(true);
> TableColumn column3 = new TableColumn();
> TableColumn column4 = new TableColumn();
> ..
> ..
> ..
> In which the first two columns are locked and the remaining columns are
> displayed with horizontal scroll bar.
> Please let me know your opinion regarding this functionality.
> Thanks&  Regards,
> Sai Pradeep Dandem.
> On Thu, Mar 8, 2012 at 3:04 AM,<openjfx-dev-request at>wrote:
>> Send openjfx-dev mailing list submissions to
>>         openjfx-dev at
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>> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
>> than "Re: Contents of openjfx-dev digest..."
>> Today's Topics:
>>    1. TableView enhancements for JavaFX 2.2 (Jonathan Giles)
>>    2. Re: TableView enhancements for JavaFX 2.2 (Tom Eugelink)
>>    3. Re: TableView enhancements for JavaFX 2.2 (Jonathan Giles)
>>    4. Re: TableView enhancements for JavaFX 2.2 (Jonathan Giles)
>>    5. Re: TableView enhancements for JavaFX 2.2 (Daniel Zwolenski)
>>    6. Re: TableView enhancements for JavaFX 2.2 (Jonathan Giles)
>>    7. Re: TableView enhancements for JavaFX 2.2 (Tom Schindl)
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Message: 1
>> Date: Thu, 08 Mar 2012 09:40:40 +1300
>> From: Jonathan Giles<jonathan.giles at>
>> Subject: TableView enhancements for JavaFX 2.2
>> To: "openjfx-dev at"<openjfx-dev at>
>> Message-ID:<4F57C7C8.3080806 at>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
>> Hi all,
>> I'm in the very early stages of planning improvements to TableView for
>> JavaFX 2.2, particularly centred around the following three Jira issues.
>> Basically, I am wanting to make it easier to style and customise
>> TableView. The two main use cases are:
>> 1) allowing for CSS styling to, for example, change the background
>> colour of a given column. This requires that we provide an easy way to
>> expose each column via CSS. As mentioned in RT-19450, the best
>> approaches I can think of right now are to add two style classes per
>> column: column-x (where x is the column index), and also a styleclass of
>> the TableColumn.text property (although I'm not sure this second
>> styleclass is really necessary or useful, as the id property can be used
>> to achieve the same thing, and we don't overuse the styleclass list). To
>> achieve this, I'd need to add more API to the TableColumn class for
>> id/style/styleclass.
>> 2) allowing for developers to customise the TableColumn header area, for
>> example, to allow for people to put filter buttons in, hide the sort
>> arrows, add a media player control, etc.
>> The general approach I want to take is to have TableColumn copy (not
>> extend from) a number of the Labeled APIs, as well as the
>> id/style/styleclass properties. My justification for wanting to take
>> this approach is to prevent TableColumn becoming a Control. A similar
>> discussion will need to be had about Tab, which has much the same
>> requirements. Perhaps there is a need for some kind of abstract
>> interface / class that sits above Labeled, but I think this may be
>> taking things too far (for possibly no perceivable gain, except perhaps
>> ensuring API consistency). Another option is to have a 'label' property
>> that people can interact with directly.
>> With the addition of the Labeled API, I can then easily add listeners to
>> maintain the relevant id/style/styleclass on each TableColumn skin, and
>> add API to allow for customisation of the header area (refer to RT-14909
>> for a example of the API I have in mind).
>> If you have any concerns, questions or feature requests related to this
>> topic, please put them forward in this thread.
>> Thanks,
>> Jonathan
>> ------------------------------
>> Message: 2
>> Date: Wed, 07 Mar 2012 22:02:02 +0100
>> From: Tom Eugelink<tbee at>
>> Subject: Re: TableView enhancements for JavaFX 2.2
>> To: openjfx-dev at
>> Message-ID:<4F57CCCA.2030407 at>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
>> Wat would be interesting is to be able to indicate that a cell as an
>> error, maybe by showing a red border. Or by some overlay.
>> On 2012-03-07 21:40, Jonathan Giles wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I'm in the very early stages of planning improvements to TableView for
>> JavaFX 2.2, particularly centred around the following three Jira issues.
>>> Basically, I am wanting to make it easier to style and customise
>> TableView. The two main use cases are:
>>> 1) allowing for CSS styling to, for example, change the background
>> colour of a given column. This requires that we provide an easy way to
>> expose each column via CSS. As mentioned in RT-19450, the best approaches I
>> can think of right now are to add two style classes per column: column-x
>> (where x is the column index), and also a styleclass of the
>> TableColumn.text property (although I'm not sure this second styleclass is
>> really necessary or useful, as the id property can be used to achieve the
>> same thing, and we don't overuse the styleclass list). To achieve this, I'd
>> need to add more API to the TableColumn class for id/style/styleclass.
>>> 2) allowing for developers to customise the TableColumn header area, for
>> example, to allow for people to put filter buttons in, hide the sort
>> arrows, add a media player control, etc.
>>> The general approach I want to take is to have TableColumn copy (not
>> extend from) a number of the Labeled APIs, as well as the
>> id/style/styleclass properties. My justification for wanting to take this
>> approach is to prevent TableColumn becoming a Control. A similar discussion
>> will need to be had about Tab, which has much the same requirements.
>> Perhaps there is a need for some kind of abstract interface / class that
>> sits above Labeled, but I think this may be taking things too far (for
>> possibly no perceivable gain, except perhaps ensuring API consistency).
>> Another option is to have a 'label' property that people can interact with
>> directly.
>>> With the addition of the Labeled API, I can then easily add listeners to
>> maintain the relevant id/style/styleclass on each TableColumn skin, and add
>> API to allow for customisation of the header area (refer to RT-14909 for a
>> example of the API I have in mind).
>>> If you have any concerns, questions or feature requests related to this
>> topic, please put them forward in this thread.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Jonathan
>> ------------------------------
>> Message: 3
>> Date: Thu, 08 Mar 2012 10:09:38 +1300
>> From: Jonathan Giles<jonathan.giles at>
>> Subject: Re: TableView enhancements for JavaFX 2.2
>> Cc: openjfx-dev at
>> Message-ID:<4F57CE92.1040603 at>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed
>> Yes, this is true, and I heard it mentioned today elsewhere too. So,
>> there has been talk for sometime about validation APIs, etc, and this
>> may one day be applicable, but there is also a simpler way that we
>> could do in 2.2. We could just add a styleclass to each row in the
>> TableView visible area that represents its index, and have both column
>> and row styleclasses in the TableCell. I'll have to check with David,
>> our CSS guy, on how much of a heart attack this may give him though.
>> For example, the third column of a TableView might be column-3 (or
>> column-2, I'm not sure if we should count from zero or one), and the
>> third row might be row-3 (or row-2). I would then possibly also have
>> the TableCell include both style classes, so that you could write
>> something like:
>> .table-cell:column-3:row-3 {
>>     -fx-background-color: red;
>> }
>> If you wanted to fill all cells in the 5th column with a green fill,
>> you could do:
>> .table-cell:column-5 {
>>    -fx-background-color: green;
>> }
>> And, of course, if you wanted to fill a row with a blue fill, you could
>> do:
>> .table-cell:row-10 {
>>     -fx-background-color: blue;
>> }
>> I think this might be a little painful initially, but when combined
>> with a future validation API that knows explicitly about TableView and
>> its styleclass approach above, you could get some cool stuff happening
>> fairly simply.
>> -- Jonathan
>> On Thursday, 8 March 2012 10:02:02 a.m., Tom Eugelink wrote:
>>> Wat would be interesting is to be able to indicate that a cell as an
>>> error, maybe by showing a red border. Or by some overlay.
>> ------------------------------
>> Message: 4
>> Date: Thu, 08 Mar 2012 10:12:05 +1300
>> From: Jonathan Giles<jonathan.giles at>
>> Subject: Re: TableView enhancements for JavaFX 2.2
>> To: openjfx-dev at
>> Message-ID:<4F57CF25.60000 at>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed
>> I should quickly note that this is consistent with how the chart API
>> does things, where it exposes series and data nodes via CSS with a
>> counter value appended to the style class to represent each node
>> separately.
>> Also, my gut feeling is that we count from zero to be consistent with
>> how columns and rows are represented in Java.
>> -- Jonathan
>> On Thursday, 8 March 2012 10:09:38 a.m., Jonathan Giles wrote:
>> ------------------------------
>> Message: 5
>> Date: Thu, 8 Mar 2012 07:18:46 +1000
>> From: Daniel Zwolenski<zonski at>
>> Subject: Re: TableView enhancements for JavaFX 2.2
>> To: jonathan.giles at
>> Cc: openjfx-dev at
>> Message-ID:
>>         <CANbPsPxT_pcuq1ceg5qtyVGm3vTE2r-VCTp4o1r=d0pDKZXdMA at
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
>> I like the idea of being able to style cells (will have a look at the other
>> changes later) but might not the index option run into trouble when you
>> start adding/removing rows/columns? Row 5 becomes row 4 when you delete row
>> 2, so the developer will have to manually adjust the styles.
>> As a side note, currently I do this sort of styling by using a custom cell
>> factory and adding a style class on the cell as needed in the updateItem
>> method (or in a listener that holds onto the reference to the cell). Seems
>> to work well enough - apart from the issues with adding/removing styles but
>> that's a separate issue.
>> On Thu, Mar 8, 2012 at 7:09 AM, Jonathan Giles<jonathan.giles at
>>> wrote:
>>> Yes, this is true, and I heard it mentioned today elsewhere too. So,
>> there
>>> has been talk for sometime about validation APIs, etc, and this may one
>> day
>>> be applicable, but there is also a simpler way that we could do in 2.2.
>> We
>>> could just add a styleclass to each row in the TableView visible area
>> that
>>> represents its index, and have both column and row styleclasses in the
>>> TableCell. I'll have to check with David, our CSS guy, on how much of a
>>> heart attack this may give him though.
>>> For example, the third column of a TableView might be column-3 (or
>>> column-2, I'm not sure if we should count from zero or one), and the
>> third
>>> row might be row-3 (or row-2). I would then possibly also have the
>>> TableCell include both style classes, so that you could write something
>>> like:
>>> .table-cell:column-3:row-3 {
>>>    -fx-background-color: red;
>>> }
>>> If you wanted to fill all cells in the 5th column with a green fill, you
>>> could do:
>>> .table-cell:column-5 {
>>>   -fx-background-color: green;
>>> }
>>> And, of course, if you wanted to fill a row with a blue fill, you could
>> do:
>>> .table-cell:row-10 {
>>>    -fx-background-color: blue;
>>> }
>>> I think this might be a little painful initially, but when combined with
>> a
>>> future validation API that knows explicitly about TableView and its
>>> styleclass approach above, you could get some cool stuff happening fairly
>>> simply.
>>> -- Jonathan
>>> On Thursday, 8 March 2012 10:02:02 a.m., Tom Eugelink wrote:
>>>> Wat would be interesting is to be able to indicate that a cell as an
>>>> error, maybe by showing a red border. Or by some overlay.
>> ------------------------------
>> Message: 6
>> Date: Thu, 08 Mar 2012 10:23:28 +1300
>> From: Jonathan Giles<jonathan.giles at>
>> Subject: Re: TableView enhancements for JavaFX 2.2
>> Cc: openjfx-dev at
>> Message-ID:<4F57D1D0.7030202 at>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
>> Yes - as columns and rows change positions, their indices will have to
>> change too.
>> Depending on the use case this may be fine. Basically some people will
>> want to style columns and rows based on the index the cells find
>> themselves in, whereas others want to style rows and columns based on
>> the content the cells contain. Unfortunately I don't have a strong gut
>> feeling on which is the more common use case. The approach I'm
>> suggesting here is perfect for the former use case, but terrible for the
>> latter. I'd love to hear an idea for the latter approach though, and it
>> may entail the kind of approach you mention where it is left up to the
>> developer and their cell factories...
>> -- Jonathan
>> On 8/03/2012 10:18 a.m., Daniel Zwolenski wrote:
>>> I like the idea of being able to style cells (will have a look at the
>>> other changes later) but might not the index option run into trouble
>>> when you start adding/removing rows/columns? Row 5 becomes row 4 when
>>> you delete row 2, so the developer will have to manually adjust the
>>> styles.
>>> As a side note, currently I do this sort of styling by using a custom
>>> cell factory and adding a style class on the cell as needed in the
>>> updateItem method (or in a listener that holds onto the reference to
>>> the cell). Seems to work well enough - apart from the issues with
>>> adding/removing styles but that's a separate issue.
>>> On Thu, Mar 8, 2012 at 7:09 AM, Jonathan Giles
>>> <jonathan.giles at<mailto:jonathan.giles at>>  wrote:
>>>      Yes, this is true, and I heard it mentioned today elsewhere too.
>>>      So, there has been talk for sometime about validation APIs, etc,
>>>      and this may one day be applicable, but there is also a simpler
>>>      way that we could do in 2.2. We could just add a styleclass to
>>>      each row in the TableView visible area that represents its index,
>>>      and have both column and row styleclasses in the TableCell. I'll
>>>      have to check with David, our CSS guy, on how much of a heart
>>>      attack this may give him though.
>>>      For example, the third column of a TableView might be column-3 (or
>>>      column-2, I'm not sure if we should count from zero or one), and
>>>      the third row might be row-3 (or row-2). I would then possibly
>>>      also have the TableCell include both style classes, so that you
>>>      could write something like:
>>>      .table-cell:column-3:row-3 {
>>>        -fx-background-color: red;
>>>      }
>>>      If you wanted to fill all cells in the 5th column with a green
>>>      fill, you could do:
>>>      .table-cell:column-5 {
>>>       -fx-background-color: green;
>>>      }
>>>      And, of course, if you wanted to fill a row with a blue fill, you
>>>      could do:
>>>      .table-cell:row-10 {
>>>        -fx-background-color: blue;
>>>      }
>>>      I think this might be a little painful initially, but when
>>>      combined with a future validation API that knows explicitly about
>>>      TableView and its styleclass approach above, you could get some
>>>      cool stuff happening fairly simply.
>>>      -- Jonathan
>>>      On Thursday, 8 March 2012 10:02:02 a.m., Tom Eugelink wrote:
>>>          Wat would be interesting is to be able to indicate that a cell
>>>          as an error, maybe by showing a red border. Or by some overlay.
>> ------------------------------
>> Message: 7
>> Date: Wed, 07 Mar 2012 22:34:23 +0100
>> From: Tom Schindl<tom.schindl at>
>> Subject: Re: TableView enhancements for JavaFX 2.2
>> To: "openjfx-dev at"<openjfx-dev at>
>> Message-ID:<4F57D45F.9020901 at>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
>> I'm wondering if this index-value is a good idea - what happens when one
>> reorders columns or remove columns - do the indices then adjust themselves?
>> java:
>> TableColumn c = new TableColumn("Name");
>> c.setUserdata("namecol");
>> css:
>> .table-cell:namecol {
>>   -fx-background-color: green;
>> }
>> I also think when it comes to highlighting cells it would be much we
>> could use property testers
>> /* assumeing TableCell has a userdata attribute */
>> .table-cell[userdata~="error"] {
>>   -fx-background-color: red;
>> }
>> Tom
>> Am 07.03.12 22:12, schrieb Jonathan Giles:
>>> I should quickly note that this is consistent with how the chart API
>>> does things, where it exposes series and data nodes via CSS with a
>>> counter value appended to the style class to represent each node
>>> separately.
>>> Also, my gut feeling is that we count from zero to be consistent with
>>> how columns and rows are represented in Java.
>>> -- Jonathan
>>> On Thursday, 8 March 2012 10:09:38 a.m., Jonathan Giles wrote:
>> --
>> B e s t S o l u t i o n . a t                        EDV Systemhaus GmbH
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> tom schindl                 gesch?ftsf?hrer/CEO
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> eduard-bodem-gasse 5-7/1   A-6020 innsbruck     fax      ++43 512 935833
>>                      phone    ++43 512 935834
>> End of openjfx-dev Digest, Vol 4, Issue 11
>> ******************************************

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