Draggable tabs

Artem Ananiev artem.ananiev at oracle.com
Mon Mar 19 00:13:26 PDT 2012

On 3/17/2012 5:20 PM, Kevin Rushforth wrote:
> Jonathan Giles wrote:
>> On 16/03/2012 5:25 a.m., martin at percossi.com wrote:
>>> Second question (speculative): Is it possible to get a "raw" window
>>> handle (i.e. in Microsoft Windows)? Basically, if you're writing a
>>> VST plugin host, you need to provide a parent window handle within
>>> which the VST plugin can stuff its GUI. In the worst case, this would
>>> create an entirely new window, but ideally, I would be able to get a
>>> raw window handle and "place" the GUI into some part of the JavaFX
>>> GUI. Am I asking for too much? ;)
>> I'll leave this to the glass team to answer.
> I'm not the glass team, but I doubt very much we would ever want to
> expose this via public API. In addition to security concerns, it would
> expose too much of the implementation, and would be very difficult to do
> in a way that was robust and didn't tie our hands for future evolution.

Completely agree here. Note that there may be no "raw" window handle 
behind JFX scene/stage at all, for example when it's embedded in 
JFXPanel or runs as applet on Mac OS X.



> -- Kevin

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