Javafx embedded in swing multithreaded toolkit issue

Werner Lehmann lehmann at
Wed Mar 21 10:43:28 PDT 2012

I'd like to have the opposite: embed Swing in JavaFX.

I know it is not gonna happen but it seems to be cleaner for a migration 
from Swing: wrap the existing Swing app into some (new) FX container 
node and then migrate the Swing parts step by step into FX. This would 
be a top-down migration instead of the current bottom-up migration which 
requires me to replace Swing parts with JFXPanels.

For the record, I have seen a blog about this option, apparently based 
on frequently taking screenshots of Swing components and showing those 
screenshots in an FX imageview (or something like that). Mouse events 
etc are passed through. However, that sounds nightmarish for 
performance, compatibility, robustness...


On 21.03.2012 17:51, Pedro Duque Vieira wrote:
> ... or couldn't it be a requirement, to have scenes only embedded on
> JFXPanel?

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