Image class and paths relative to classpath

Artem Ananiev artem.ananiev at
Wed May 2 07:07:25 PDT 2012

On 5/1/2012 11:29 PM, Josh Marinacci wrote:
> tahnks. I appreciate the update. I found a bug about it on the Jira.
> Hopefully in 2.2 it will work. I guess I'll have to wait for that to
> be released before trying to ship a JavaFX version of Leo.  The new
> Canvas API looks interesting as well.

JavaFX 2.2 builds are already available for download:

Please, try your DnD test and check if it's resolved and file a bug if 
it isn't. When the final 2.2 build is out, it will be too late to report 
problems and want them to be resolved in 2.2 :)



> - J

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