A supported public API for HTML Editor customization [#RT-21268]

Mikhail Kondratyev mikhail.kondratyev at oracle.com
Wed May 2 22:10:38 PDT 2012

Hi Slavko,

could you please file these enhancements as Jira features in 

This will help FX team to properly track this

thanks, Mikhail

On 05/01/2012 12:30 AM, Slavko Scekic wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've filed a new JIRA request concerning the HTML Editor control. Please
> take a look<http://javafx-jira.kenai.com/browse/RT-21268>  and make
> contributions. Here it is:
> I dear say that everyone who's used the HTML Editor control will agree that
> it is not really adequate for serious use. So, I propose several
> enhancements to the API:
> 1) Make HtmlText an ObservableValue - CRUCIAL.
> 2) Allow toolbar customization. At minimum, this should include
> disabling/enabling or hiding/showing available controls.
> 3) Provide a mechanism to limit the number (and type) of available fonts.
> This is essential for web content production (web-safe fonts are still
> considered a good design practice, but also for the theme-specific fonts),
> and when preparing content for external components, like JasperReports.
> 4) Allow selecting default font from code.
> Thanks,
> Slavko
> P.S. Sorry if this is a double message, I've sent a first one from
> non-registered e-mail address, so I'm not sure it's sent.

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