JavaFX and (Affine)Transforms

Martin Desruisseaux martin.desruisseaux at
Fri May 4 06:47:15 PDT 2012

Hello Alexander

Le 04/05/12 15:38, Alexander Kouznetsov a écrit :
> As a workaround you could easily combine Java2D AffineTransform and 
> JavaFX Affine as it allows you to get/set or even bind particular 
> values. So you can calculate your transforms in Java2D AffineTransform 
> and then update an Affine transform object of the node

Right, this is fair. Actually, my notes about AffineTransform and (in 
previous email) about RenderedImage were not intended for the short 
term. Given that we can use some parts of Java2D and JavaFX together, 
there is no rush. It was rather aimed as proposal of features to keep in 
mind if JavaFX replaces Java2D in the long term.

Thanks for all you work!


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