JavaFX and (Affine)Transforms

Alexander Kouznetsov alexander.kouznetsov at
Fri May 4 09:29:04 PDT 2012

However there is another approach for that. You can put label in not 
transformed layer on top of other content and use localToScene methods 
to get the pivot point to move it along with the content.

Best regards,
Alexander Kouznetsov

On 04.05.2012 19:34, Pedro Duque Vieira wrote:
> +1 for this.
> If you have a look at java3D they have this part pretty well figured, you
> can get/set transforms and apply calculations to them.
> Related to this issue is this one:
> You can't do something like a Billboard behavior right now.
> That is for instance, making a label in a 2d scene always show parallel to
> the bottom of the screen and left to right whatever the
> transforms applied to its parents are, so the user can read it.
> Best regards,

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