JavaFX and (Affine)Transforms

Alexander Kouznetsov alexander.kouznetsov at
Fri May 4 14:19:42 PDT 2012

That's true. I just wanted to make a point that there is a workaround.

Best regards,
Alexander Kouznetsov

On 05.05.2012 0:39, Pedro Duque Vieira wrote:
> Problem is, in certain apps, I have one like that, you do not want so 
> separate the label from the other components on the scene graph, you 
> just want to make it readable.
> It's a Billboard behavior, very used in 3D computer graphics, usually 
> to render sprites parallel to the camera but also useful in these cases.
> Thanks,
> On Fri, May 4, 2012 at 5:29 PM, Alexander Kouznetsov 
> <alexander.kouznetsov at 
> <mailto:alexander.kouznetsov at>> wrote:
>     However there is another approach for that. You can put label in
>     not transformed layer on top of other content and use localToScene
>     methods to get the pivot point to move it along with the content.
>     Best regards,
>     Alexander Kouznetsov
>     On 04.05.2012 19:34, Pedro Duque Vieira wrote:
>         +1 for this.
>         If you have a look at java3D they have this part pretty well
>         figured, you
>         can get/set transforms and apply calculations to them.
>         Related to this issue is this one:
>         You can't do something like a Billboard behavior right now.
>         That is for instance, making a label in a 2d scene always show
>         parallel to
>         the bottom of the screen and left to right whatever the
>         transforms applied to its parents are, so the user can read it.
>         Best regards,
> -- 
> Pedro Duque Vieira

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