hg: openjfx/2.2/graphics/rt: RT-15011: Provide ability to alter the implicit "exit on last window closed" behavior

hang.vo at oracle.com hang.vo at oracle.com
Mon May 7 13:34:12 PDT 2012

Changeset: b26bab84097d
Author:    kcr
Date:      2012-05-07 13:29 -0700
URL:       http://hg.openjdk.java.net/openjfx/2.2/graphics/rt/rev/b26bab84097d

RT-15011: Provide ability to alter the implicit "exit on last window closed" behavior

! javafx-ui-common/src/com/sun/javafx/application/LauncherImpl.java
! javafx-ui-common/src/com/sun/javafx/application/PlatformImpl.java
! javafx-ui-common/src/javafx/application/Application.java
! javafx-ui-common/src/javafx/application/Platform.java

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