LocalToScene Transformation (related to Affine Transforms)

Pavel Safrata pavel.safrata at oracle.com
Wed May 9 08:16:08 PDT 2012

I've been working on the local-to-scene transform 
(http://javafx-jira.kenai.com/browse/RT-520). I have a prototype that 
makes it an observable (read-only) property, registering for 
invalidation notifications to parent only when somebody registers a 
listener to it. This is nicer than a simple "compute" method - it looks 
like a standard observable lazy property from user's point of view.

The big question now is what the type of the property should be. The 
first candidate is javafx.scene.transform.Affine. Unfortunately this 
class has each element of the matrix as a property, which makes it 
pretty impractical for that purpose. There are two options there:
- We can create a new Affine instance each time the transformation 
changes (and somebody calls the getter). This way all the elements would 
have to be immutable, so all their setters would need to throw 
exceptions (ugly) and whole their observability would be just a useless 
- Or we can keep the single instance and modify its elements. This way 
user would have to register twelve listeners to be notified of 
transformation changes.
None of those options seems good enough.

We considered another option: creating a new class TransformationMatrix. 
This class would be immutable and would contain various methods for work 
with matrices. All the transforms would have a getter that would return 
an instance of this class, the Affine class would have also a setter. 
Now the localToSceneTransformation property could be of type 
TransformationMatrix. This would spare us the above problems and provide 
an independent class for matrix operations, but on the other hand, 
converting transformations to the matrix and back may be an unnecessary 
burden, also doing some complex matrix computation with an immutable 
matrix class would result in pretty huge garbage production (slowing 
down the computation).

So we propose yet another approach. In the base Transform class, 
introduce getters for all the elements of the transformation matrix (not 
observable, just getters). Each transformation would be able to return 
the values according to its current state. Our property would then be of 
type Transform, allowing only for getting the matrix values. This would 
make the property observable as a whole (creating a new instance each 
time), unmodifiable, and would leave us with a nicely open way to 
introduce the methods for matrix operations on the Transform class, most 
of them probably returning the Affine instance as a result, and the 
Affine class could then have a bunch of methods to be modified in place.

What do you think?

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