API REVIEW request for RT-17398: snapshot (aka render to image)

Kevin Rushforth kevin.rushforth at oracle.com
Sat May 12 12:39:39 PDT 2012

> One question will the complete content get rendered into an image or the
> only the visible one?

It will be the complete content based on the size of the scene or node, 
not limited to the screen size.

The current implementation is limited by the texture memory of the card, 
but that is just a bug that can be fixed (by tiling the 
rendering...webview already does this when displaying large images in a 
web page).

-- Kevin

Tom Schindl wrote:
> One question will the complete content get rendered into an image or the
> only the visible one?
> E.g a node has a size of 2000x2000 but my screen is only 1024x768 will
> the rendered image be 2000x2000?
> Tom
> Am 12.05.12 03:03, schrieb Kevin Rushforth:
>> JIRA:  http://javafx-jira.kenai.com/browse/RT-17398
>> This feature request will add public API to support taking a snapshot of
>> a Scene or Node and rendering it into an Image.
>> To address this feature, I propose to add the following methods on the
>> existing Node and Scene class, along with two new classes to hold the
>> parameters and the result, respectively.
>> Scene:
>>    public Image snapshot(Image image)
>>    public void snapshot(Callback<SnapshotResult,Void> callback, Image
>> image)
>> Node:
>>    public Image snapshot(SnapshotParameters params, Image image)
>>    public void snapshot(Callback<SnapshotResult,Void> callback,
>> SnapshotParameters params, Image image)
>> // Data container class with the following attributes
>> SnapshotParameters:
>>    get/setDepthBuffer(boolean)
>>    get/setCamera(Camera)
>>    get/setTransform(Transform);
>>    get/setFill(Paint);
>>    get/setViewport(Rectangle2D)
>> // Data container class to return the result of an async snapshot,
>> currently immutable
>> SnapshotResult:
>>    Image image
>>    Object source
>>    SnapshotParameters params
>> Here is the preliminary Javadoc for the four snapshot methods:
>> -------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Scene:
>>    public Image snapshot(Image image)
>> Takes a snapshot of this scene and returns the rendered image when it is
>> ready. CSS and layout processing will be done for the scene prior to
>> rendering it.
>>    image - the image that will be used to hold the rendered scene. It
>> may be null in which case a new Image will be constructed. If the image
>> is non-null, the scene will be rendered into the existing image. If the
>> image is larger than the scene, the area outside the bounds of the scene
>> will be filled with the Scene fill color. If the image is smaller than
>> the scene, the rendered image will be clipped.
>> -------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Scene:
>>    public void snapshot(Callback<SnapshotResult,Void> callback, Image
>> image)
>> Takes a snapshot of this scene at the next frame and calls the specified
>> callback method when the image is ready. CSS and layout processing will
>> be done for the scene prior to rendering it. This is an asynchronous
>> call, which means that other events or animation might be processed
>> before the scene is rendered. If any such events modify a node in the
>> scene that modification will be reflected in the rendered image (as it
>> will also be reflected in the frame rendered to the Stage).
>>    callback - a class whose call method will be called when the image is
>> ready. The SnapshotResult that is passed into the call method of the
>> callback will contain the rendered image and the source scene that was
>> rendered.
>>    image - the image that will be used to hold the rendered scene. It
>> may be null in which case a new Image will be constructed. If the image
>> is non-null, the scene will be rendered into the existing image. If the
>> image is larger than the scene, the area outside the bounds of the scene
>> will be filled with the Scene fill color. If the image is smaller than
>> the scene, the rendered image will be clipped.
>> -------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Node:
>>    public Image snapshot(SnapshotParameters params, Image image)
>> Takes a snapshot of this node and returns the rendered image when it is
>> ready. CSS and layout processing will be done for the node, and any of
>> its children, prior to rendering it.
>> Parameters:
>>    params - the snapshot parameters containing attributes that will
>> control the rendering.
>>    image - the image that will be used to hold the rendered node. It may
>> be null in which case a new Image will be constructed. If the image is
>> non-null, the node will be rendered into the existing image. If the
>> image is larger than the bounds of the node, the area outside the bounds
>> will be filled with the fill color specified in the snapshot parameters.
>> If the image is smaller than the bounds, the rendered image will be
>> clipped.
>> -------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Node:
>>    public void snapshot(Callback<SnapshotResult,Void> callback,
>> SnapshotParameters params, Image image)
>> Takes a snapshot of this node at the next frame and calls the specified
>> callback method when the image is ready. CSS and layout processing will
>> be done for the node, and any of its children, prior to rendering it.
>> This is an asynchronous call, which means that other events or animation
>> might be processed before the node is rendered. If any such events
>> modify the node, or any of its children, that modification will be
>> reflected in the rendered image (just like it will also be reflected in
>> the frame rendered to the Stage, if this node is part of a live scene
>> graph).
>>    callback - a class whose call method will be called when the image is
>> ready. The SnapshotResult that is passed into the call method of the
>> callback will contain the rendered image, the source node that was
>> rendered, and a copy of the SnapshotParameters.
>>    params - the snapshot parameters containing attributes that will
>> control the rendering.
>>    image - the image that will be used to hold the rendered node. It may
>> be null in which case a new Image will be constructed. If the image is
>> non-null, the node will be rendered into the existing image. If the
>> image is larger than the bounds of the node, the area outside the bounds
>> will be filled with the fill color specified in the snapshot parameters.
>> If the image is smaller than the bounds, the rendered image will be
>> clipped.

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