RT-20302: Consider changing picking behavior of dashed strokes

Jim Graham james.graham at oracle.com
Mon May 14 03:30:01 PDT 2012

I think the justification that was given when we talked about this in 
the pre-FX days was that the dashes could be animated for a marquee 
effect and you wouldn't want to make it harder to click on them.  It's 
probably a lame example and I think others have given better arguments 
to why this behavior is not necessarily a bad thing, but I wanted to 
throw it out in case it rings a bell with any applications that are out 
there or planned...


On 5/9/2012 8:44 AM, Lubomir Nerad wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to change mouse picking behavior of objects with dashed
> stroke as described in http://javafx-jira.kenai.com/browse/RT-20302.
> Currently an object is picked even when the mouse click happens in the
> non-filled parts (inside spaces) of the dashed stroke (stroke dash array
> and dash offset have no impact on picking). With RT-19994, this can
> create an unexpected situation, when a Shape is picked inside stroke
> spaces, but if it is used in a CAG operation (for example
> Shape.intersect(shape1, shape1)) the resulting Shape won't include the
> spaces and so won't be picked inside of them. To get consistent behavior
> I propose not to pick the spaces inside object stokes.
> Do you agree?
> Thanks,
> Lubo

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