hg: openjfx/2.2/controls/rt: Fix for broken ComboBox CSS that was introduced when ColorPicker was added. CSS should hopefully revert the ComboBox style without impacting on the ColorPicker style.

hang.vo at oracle.com hang.vo at oracle.com
Tue May 15 16:17:26 PDT 2012

Changeset: ce2983e07daf
Author:    jgiles
Date:      2012-05-16 11:06 +1200
URL:       http://hg.openjdk.java.net/openjfx/2.2/controls/rt/rev/ce2983e07daf

Fix for broken ComboBox CSS that was introduced when ColorPicker was added. CSS should hopefully revert the ComboBox style without impacting on the ColorPicker style.

! javafx-ui-controls/src/com/sun/javafx/scene/control/skin/caspian/caspian.css

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