LocalToScene Transformation (related to Affine Transforms)
Martin Desruisseaux
martin.desruisseaux at geomatys.fr
Wed May 16 01:47:14 PDT 2012
Hello Pavel
That's fair, thank for considering.
Le 16/05/12 09:46, Pavel Safrata a écrit :
> Hi,
> Kevin, I think you are right.
> Martin, we reconsidered your suggestion and although we agree we might
> run into naming problems if we want to introduce some computation
> classes for the general transformations in the future, we decided not
> to complicate the API with something scenegraph won't be able to
> support anyway.
> Thanks,
> Pavel
> On 11.5.2012 16:19, Kevin Rushforth wrote:
>> I'm not sure that the existing Transform class should ever support
>> non-affine matrices. Perhaps it would be better to provide a
>> different base class for that.
>> -- Kevin
>> Martin Desruisseaux wrote:
>>> Hello Pavel
>>> Right, I was not expecting the scene graph to support such general
>>> transform. To make my long email short, I was just pointing that
>>> adding 'getScaleX()', 'getScaleY()' and similar methods in the
>>> 'Transform' class effectively restrict the Transform class to the
>>> Affine case, in which case the current class names become
>>> problematic. Using a 'getMatrix' method (we could find a better
>>> name) with a 'Point3d' argument would solve the conceptual problem,
>>> without obligation for JavaFX to support such general transforms -
>>> that would be left to users (I would be fine with JavaFX throwing an
>>> exception if given a unrecognized transform).
>>> The intend was just to avoid a class naming problem while keeping
>>> the current class hierarchy, and keeping door open for non-linear
>>> transforms in the future.
>>> Regards,
>>> Martin
>>> Le 11/05/12 11:09, Pavel Safrata a écrit :
>>>> Hello Martin,
>>>> your comments make perfect sense. However, I seriously doubt our
>>>> scene graph would ever be able to operate with such general
>>>> transformations. Apart from the fact that we would most probably
>>>> have a great trouble to implement all the existing functionality if
>>>> such transformations were allowed, it would bring a serious
>>>> performance drop and would create an API considerably less handy
>>>> for the usual cases. Anyway, if we decide that the naming issue is
>>>> serious and/or that we want to leave the door open to the generic
>>>> transforms, we can do following: insert a new class (say
>>>> AffineBase) as a subclass of Transform and superclass of all the
>>>> existing transforms, then go with our proposed solution using
>>>> AffineBase instead of Transform. To me it seems as a good thing to do.
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