Building v2.2 of javafx-ui-controls: com.sun.javafx.css.parser.Css2Bin not found

Richard Bair richard.bair at
Fri May 18 09:31:28 PDT 2012

Hi Florian,

> I'm trying to build v2.2 of javafx-ui-controls, but I get the following error:
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Buildfile: <somePath>/open-jfx/master/rt/javafx-ui-controls/build.xml
>  [taskdef] Could not load definitions from resource net/sf/antcontrib/ It could not be found.
> check-binary-css:
> javafx-ui-controls-common.-pre-init:
>    [mkdir] Created dir: /home/puce/Programming/Java/projectx/JavaFX-Apps/open-jfx/2.2/open-jfx/master/rt/javafx-ui-controls/build/classes/com/sun/javafx/scene/control/skin/caspian
>     [java] Fehler: Hauptklasse com.sun.javafx.css.parser.Css2Bin konnte nicht gefunden oder geladen werden
> <somePath>/open-jfx/master/rt/javafx-ui-controls/build-common.xml:12: Java returned: 1

Let me update and give it a try.

> Should we use Ant or Maven to build the project or can we use any of the two?

I always use Ant, so I can make sure that works. I think maven support was added by contributions but I don't remember.

> Also note:
> only mentions v2.1 but not v2.2


> Another question:
> JavaFX 2.1 has been released for Windows and Mac but not for Linux. 
> Is there still work going on in the v2.1 repository or should we work on v2.2 now?

All the work is in 2.2 now, 2.1 has shipped. 2.2 by the way has just passed feature freeze, so we're in bug fix mode and then we'll be switching to 3.0 within the next month! 2.2 was a short release window.


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