Building OpenJFX

Rainer Lang at
Mon May 21 10:10:48 PDT 2012

Hi Kevin,
Hi Richard

Thanks for checking.

Is there a way to retrieve a matching 2.2 JFX SDK for the current 
stream. Are there any nightly (binary) builds available.

If not, what are you considering a 'compatible' revision match of the 
jfx source to work with the 2.2b08 public release? Or are there other 
ways to work the the JFX source for non Oracel developers?

Thank you for your feedback,

On 18.05.2012 9:34, Kevin Rushforth wrote:
> Correct. There is a slight lag (usually a few hours, but for some 
> reason a bit more than that this week) between when the master 
> repository is updated and the weekly build is staged on OTN.
> -- Kevin
> Richard Bair wrote:
>> I'm getting different errors, I'm getting:
>>      [javac] /Users/richardbair/Projects/Work/openjfx/master-2.2/rt/javafx-ui-common/src/com/sun/javafx/tk/ cannot find symbol
>>      [javac] symbol  : class PGCanvas
>>      [javac] location: package
>>      [javac] import;
>>      [javac]                         ^
>> And a pile more. This API was recently added, and must be a time-lag between the 2.2 developer preview build being made available that is required for building this and the sources (which are pushed constantly). I will investigate again.
>> In my setup, I put the entire contents of the JFX 2.2 SDK into master/artifacts/sdk.
>> Also I am only testing 2.2 not the 2.1 build (so make sure you have the 2.2 SDK and 2.2 repo cloned).
>> Richard
>> On May 18, 2012, at 9:31 AM, Richard Bair wrote:
>>> I'll take a look.
>>> Richard
>>> On May 17, 2012, at 2:34 AM, Rainer Lang wrote:
>>>> I tried to build OpenJFX on Windows 7 based exactly on the instructions on the wiki (
>>>> The build is not succesful and fails as it seems on the first compilation attempts.
>>>> I run ant with 'ant default' in ~/open-jfx/master/rt. The directory 'open-jfx\master\artifacts\sdk\rt\lib' holds only the jfxrt.jar.
>>>> 1.) Any additional hints to succeed?
>>>> 2.) Should this procedure also work with OpenJFX 2.2?
>>>> I got the following errors:
>>>> Buildfile: C:\Users\RLA\open-jfx\master\rt\build.xml
>>>> [taskdef] Could not load definitions from resource net/sf/antcontrib/ It could not be found.
>>>> init:
>>>> dist:
>>>> [taskdef] Could not load definitions from resource net/sf/antcontrib/ It could not be found.
>>>>     [echo] rt.dist.root.dir=..
>>>> -pre-init:
>>>> init:
>>>> jar:
>>>>    [javac] Compiling 36 source files to C:\Users\RLA\open-jfx\master\rt\javafx-beans-dt\build\classes
>>>>    [javac] C:\Users\RLA\open-jfx\master\rt\javafx-beans-dt\src\com\sun\javafx\beans\design\ package javafx.scene.image does not exist
>>>>    [javac] import javafx.scene.image.Image;
>>>>    [javac]                          ^
>>>>    [javac] C:\Users\RLA\open-jfx\master\rt\javafx-beans-dt\src\com\sun\javafx\beans\design\ cannot find symbol
>>>>    [javac] symbol  : class Image
>>>>    [javac] location: interface
>>>>    [javac]     public Image getLargeIcon(); //TODO I would prefer "findImage"
>>>>    [javac]            ^
>>>>    [javac] C:\Users\RLA\open-jfx\master\rt\javafx-beans-dt\src\com\sun\javafx\beans\design\ cannot find symbol
>>>>    [javac] symbol  : class Image
>>>>    [javac] location: interface
>>>>    [javac]     public Image getSmallIcon(); //TODO I would prefer "findImage"
>>>>    [javac]            ^
>>>> [more errors skiped....]
>>>> My directory layout is the following (before the build)
>>>>   .
>>>>   |-master
>>>>   |---artifacts
>>>>   |-----sdk
>>>>   |-------rt
>>>>   |---------bin
>>>>   |---------lib
>>>>   |---build-src
>>>>   |---rt
>>>>   |-----javafx-beans-dt
>>>>   |-------nbproject
>>>>   |-------src
>>>>   |---------com
>>>>   |-----------sun
>>>>   |-------------javafx
>>>>   |---------------beans
>>>>   |-----------------design
>>>>   |-------------------author
>>>>   |-------------------tool
>>>>   |-----------------metadata
>>>>   |-------test
>>>>   |---------com
>>>>   |-----------sun
>>>>   |-------------javafx
>>>>   |---------------beans
>>>>   |-----------------metadata
>>>>   |-------------------widgets
>>>>   |---------------------displayname
>>>>   |-----javafx-concurrent
>>>>   |-------nbproject
>>>>   |-------src
>>>>   |---------javafx
>>>>   |-----------concurrent
>>>>   |-------test
>>>>   |---------javafx
>>>>   |-----------concurrent
>>>>   |-------------mocks
>>>>   |-----javafx-designtime
>>>>   |-------nbproject
>>>>   |-------src
>>>>   |---------com
>>>>   |-----------sun
>>>>   |-------------javafx
>>>>   |---------------beans
>>>>   |-----------------design
>>>>   |-------------------author
>>>>   |---------javafx
>>>>   |-----------scene
>>>>   |-------------control
>>>>   |-------------layout
>>>>   |-------test
>>>>   |---------javafx
>>>>   |-----------scene
>>>>   |-------------layout
>>>>   |-----javafx-ui-charts
>>>>   |-------nbproject
>>>>   |-------src
>>>>   |---------javafx
>>>>   |-----------scene
>>>>   |-------------chart
>>>>   |-------test
>>>>   |---------javafx
>>>>   |-----------scene
>>>>   |-------------chart
>>>>   |-----javafx-ui-common
>>>>   |-------nbproject
>>>>   |-------src
>>>>   |---------com
>>>>   |-----------sun
>>>>   |-------------javafx
>>>>   |---------------animation
>>>>   |-----------------transition
>>>>   |---------------application
>>>>   |---------------beans
>>>>   |-----------------event
>>>>   |---------------css
>>>>   |-----------------converters
>>>>   |-----------------parser
>>>>   |---------------cursor
>>>>   |---------------effect
>>>>   |---------------embed
>>>>   |---------------jmx
>>>>   |---------------menu
>>>>   |---------------perf
>>>>   |---------------robot
>>>>   |-----------------impl
>>>>   |---------------runtime
>>>>   |-----------------async
>>>>   |-----------------eula
>>>>   |---------------scene
>>>>   |-----------------input
>>>>   |-----------------layout
>>>>   |-------------------region
>>>>   |-----------------paint
>>>>   |-----------------shape
>>>>   |-----------------text
>>>>   |-----------------traversal
>>>>   |---------------stage
>>>>   |---------------tk
>>>>   |---------javafx
>>>>   |-----------animation
>>>>   |-----------application
>>>>   |-------------doc-files
>>>>   |-----------geometry
>>>>   |-----------scene
>>>>   |-------------doc-files
>>>>   |-------------effect
>>>>   |-------------image
>>>>   |---------------doc-files
>>>>   |-------------input
>>>>   |-------------layout
>>>>   |---------------doc-files
>>>>   |-------------paint
>>>>   |---------------doc-files
>>>>   |-------------shape
>>>>   |---------------doc-files
>>>>   |-------------text
>>>>   |-------------transform
>>>>   |-----------stage
>>>>   |-------------doc-files
>>>>   |-------test
>>>>   |---------unit
>>>>   |-----------com
>>>>   |-------------sun
>>>>   |---------------javafx
>>>>   |-----------------css
>>>>   |-------------------converters
>>>>   |-------------------parser
>>>>   |-----------------pgstub
>>>>   |-----------------scene
>>>>   |-------------------layout
>>>>   |-------------------paint
>>>>   |-------------------text
>>>>   |-------------------traversal
>>>>   |-----------------test
>>>>   |-------------------binding
>>>>   |-------------------objects
>>>>   |-----------javafx
>>>>   |-------------animation
>>>>   |-------------geometry
>>>>   |-------------scene
>>>>   |---------------bounds
>>>>   |---------------effect
>>>>   |---------------image
>>>>   |---------------input
>>>>   |---------------layout
>>>>   |---------------paint
>>>>   |---------------shape
>>>>   |---------------text
>>>>   |---------------transform
>>>>   |-------------stage
>>>>   |-----javafx-ui-controls
>>>>   |-------nbproject
>>>>   |-------src
>>>>   |---------com
>>>>   |-----------sun
>>>>   |-------------javafx
>>>>   |---------------charts
>>>>   |---------------scene
>>>>   |-----------------control
>>>>   |-------------------behavior
>>>>   |-------------------skin
>>>>   |---------------------caspian
>>>>   |---------------------resources
>>>>   |---------javafx
>>>>   |-----------scene
>>>>   |-------------chart
>>>>   |-------------control
>>>>   |---------------cell
>>>>   |-------test
>>>>   |---------com
>>>>   |-----------sun
>>>>   |-------------javafx
>>>>   |---------------scene
>>>>   |-----------------control
>>>>   |-------------------behavior
>>>>   |-------------------skin
>>>>   |---------javafx
>>>>   |-----------scene
>>>>   |-------------chart
>>>>   |-------------control
>>>>   |-----javafx-util-converter
>>>>   |-------nbproject
>>>>   |-------src
>>>>   |---------javafx
>>>>   |-----------util
>>>>   |-------------converter
>>>>   |-------test
>>>>   |---------javafx
>>>>   |-----------util
>>>>   |-------------converter
>>>>   |-----test-stub-toolkit
>>>>   |-------nbproject
>>>>   |-------src
>>>>   |---------com
>>>>   |-----------sun
>>>>   |-------------javafx
>>>>   |---------------pgstub

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