API Review: BufferedImage import/export utilities

Jim Graham james.graham at oracle.com
Mon May 21 12:16:40 PDT 2012

Hi Artem,

This will eventually contain a bunch of utilities so Image should not be 
in its name.  Do you have any other suggestions?

JFXUtils? (to match JFX panel)
JFXSwingUtils? (to differentiate from other embed packages)


On 5/21/2012 5:37 AM, Artem Ananiev wrote:
> Hi, Jim,
> just a short comment. SwingUtils is very close to well-known
> SwingUtilities from the javax.swing package. Could we use another name,
> e.g. SwingImageUtils?
> Thanks,
> Artem
> On 5/18/2012 11:14 PM, Jim Graham wrote:
>> Now that the Image Ops provide a supported way of manipulating the
>> pixels of an Image, we can add supported methods for managing
>> BufferedImage import and export in the javafx.embed.swing package. I am
>> proposing the following simple utility class for 2.2:
>> package javafx.embed.swing;
>> /**
>> * This class provides utility methods for converting data types between
>> * Swing/AWT and JavaFX formats.
>> */
>> public class SwingUtils {
>> private SwingUtils() {} // no instances
>> /**
>> * Snapshots the specified {@link BufferedImage} and stores a copy of
>> * its pixels into a JavaFX {@link Image} object, creating a new
>> * object if needed.
>> * The returned {@code Image} will be a static snapshot of the state
>> * of the pixels in the {@code BufferedImage} at the time the method
>> * completes. Further changes to the {@code BufferedImage} will not
>> * be reflected in the {@code Image}.
>> * <p>
>> * The optional JavaFX {@link WritableImage} parameter may be reused
>> * to store the copy of the pixels.
>> * A new {@code Image} will be created if the supplied object is null,
>> * is too small or of a type which the image pixels cannot be easily
>> * converted into.
>> *
>> * @param bimg the {@code BufferedImage} object to be converted
>> * @param wimg an optional {@code WritableImage} object that can be
>> * used to store the returned pixel data
>> * @return an {@code Image} object representing a snapshot of the
>> * current pixels in the {@code BufferedImage}.
>> */
>> public static WritableImage toFXImage(BufferedImage bimg,
>> WritableImage wimg);
>> /**
>> * Snapshots the specified JavaFX {@link Image} object and stores a
>> * copy of its pixels into a {@link BufferedImage} object, creating
>> * a new object if needed.
>> * The method will only convert a JavaFX {@code Image} that is readable
>> * as per the conditions on the
>> * {@link Image#getPixelReader() Image.getPixelReader()}
>> * method.
>> * If the {@code Image} is a writable, or other dynamic image, then
>> * the {@code BufferedImage} will only be set to the current state of
>> * the pixels in the image as determined by its {@link PixelReader}.
>> * Further changes to the pixels of the {@code Image} will not be
>> * reflected in the returned {@code BufferedImage}.
>> * <p>
>> * The optional {@code BufferedImage} parameter may be reused to store
>> * the copy of the pixels.
>> * A new {@code BufferedImage} will be created if the supplied object
>> * is null, is too small or of a type which the image pixels cannot
>> * be easily converted into.
>> *
>> * @param img the JavaFX {@code Image} to be converted
>> * @param bimg an optional {@code BufferedImage} object that may be
>> * used to store the returned pixel data
>> * @return a {@code BufferedImage} containing a snapshot of the JavaFX
>> * {@code Image}
>> */
>> public static BufferedImage fromFXImage(Image img,
>> BufferedImage bimg);
>> }
>> ...jim

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