Multi-touch API

Tom Eugelink tbee at
Fri May 25 01:56:31 PDT 2012


On 2012-05-25 10:20, Dr. Michael Paus wrote:
> I like this idea but in this context we should then also support a zoom function. When you can pan
> a pane you most certainly also want to zoom in and out. This can be achieved by a gesture or
> via the mouse wheel but so far I have not been able to get that working with a scrollpane.
> Am 25.05.2012 10:04, schrieb Tom Eugelink:
>> It's about default behavior and uniform UI. Naturally everyone can
>> code their own dragging, but it would be great if certain things came
>> out of the box. If you pull a ScrollPane from the toolbox, it is
>> default setup to scroll by using the scrollbars. This is not the way
>> this is done when using touch, then you would use a drag. So there is
>> a difference between the default behavior.
>> I found that I'm preferring to use the touch behavior when navigating
>> with the mouse as well and actually am annoyed when I need to click
>> the scrollbars. So I am trying to make a point to maybe get the mouse
>> and touch behavior as similar as possible. This would mean that, for
>> example, a scroll pane would default run in the pannable mode (I'm
>> ashamed to admit that I have not done enough JFX UI to know that it
>> existed).
>> My discussion about the marker example is to indicate that I
>> understand that making a the scrollpane pannable, may cause problems
>> when there are things inside the pane that also want to drag. But
>> maybe it is possible to have the scrollpane first check if there is
>> any contents that would like to react to the drag, and if not then the
>> scrollpane itself can process it.
>> Am I making myself more clear?
>> Tom
>> On 2012-05-25 09:49, Pavel Safrata wrote:
>>> Hello Tom,
>>> I think I didn't really get the issue. You can install mouse dragging
>>> event handlers on the map and on the marker. Why is that not
>>> sufficient? Or do you want that specifically for our ScrollPane?
>>> There is a "pannable" property that makes the scrollpane react on
>>> mouse dragging. If you register a dragging handler that consumes the
>>> event on any of its children, it is not propagated to the pane, so it
>>> doesn't scroll. Is that insufficient?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Pavel
>>> On 24.5.2012 16:37, Tom Eugelink wrote:
>>>> The topic is too complex for me to provide any reasonable feedback
>>>> at this time.
>>>> I do have a question though; I find myself dragging scrollpane
>>>> contents with my mouse lately, mimicking a finger slide, because it
>>>> feels very natural to do. Google Maps does support this kind of
>>>> navigation with a mouse (you can drag the map around), but a lot of
>>>> applications do not, and one has to go to the scrollbars and start
>>>> clicking. I understand that this actually makes sense, because the
>>>> contents of the scrollpane may want to react to dragging. Google
>>>> Maps solves this by differentiating where you click; on a marker
>>>> (drag in the pane) or on the map (drag the pane itself). It may be
>>>> efficient to have cross platform interaction to have viewports
>>>> support this difference in UI and allow a mouse to work like a
>>>> finger. Just braindumping.
>>>> Tom

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