Programmatic JavaFXBuilder w/o JavaFX bean properties

Will Hoover java.whoover at
Fri May 25 07:29:34 PDT 2012

That may make more sense. What about allowing for a means to provide
bidirectional bindings? Any Thoughts?

BTW, I'm not sure why, but it doesn't look like I have permissions to view

-----Original Message-----
From: Greg Brown [mailto:greg.x.brown at] 
Sent: Friday, May 25, 2012 9:08 AM
To: Will Hoover
Cc: 'Richard Bair'; openjfx-dev at
Subject: Re: Programmatic JavaFXBuilder w/o JavaFX bean properties

> I was thinking that we could use something like the existing
> Bindings.bindBidirectional(property1, property2), but utilize what FXML
> done under the hood...
> Then we could do something like Bindings.bind(person, "",
> myJavaFxControlProperty). 

I think this makes sense. I have actually been thinking about doing
something similar to address this issue:

I have been envisioning something more along the lines of this:

  myObject.myJavaFxControlProperty().bind(new ExpressionValue(person,

However, the end result would be the same - you'd be able to easily create a
binding between a property model and an expression.


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