JavaFX 3D on older GPUs

Adam Granger adam at
Sat May 26 02:10:03 PDT 2012

So no support to provide software rendering fallback on my Samsung NC10 (2008) :( ? I just want to play around with some 3D stuff on long train journeys!

I don't fully understand the layers involved, perhaps someone could explain.... 

My understanding... JavaFX will get an openGL implementation from the OS, and that implementation will either be hardware driver provided or software emulation or some mix?  it will then use the OpenGL to work out whether various features, shader API versions etc. exist... if something isn't supported <BOOM>

Is there no way prism can implement a fallback using lower version of shader model, or is this just two complex? Or is it really the responsibility of the openGL provider - e.g. Mesa to provide software fallback?



On 24 May 2012, at 17:21, Kevin Rushforth wrote:

> Pretty much any AMD (ATI) or NVidia card in the last 5 years or so will be fine. Intel HD is fine.
> -- Kevin
> Joseph Andresen wrote:
>> Usually shader model 3 or better is perfect for prism.
>> Anything else guys??
>> On May 23, 2012, at 5:48 PM, Kim Topley <kimtopley at> wrote:
>>> Is there a list of the reasons why a card might not be supported? If I were going to buy a laptop and wanted to be sure it would be supported by Prism, what would I look for?
>>> On Sun, May 20, 2012 at 12:43 PM, Joseph Andresen <joseph.andresen at> wrote:
>>> Your card is not supported by prism. You can check if a system supports 3d by using the isSupported method (can't remember where .. Maybe in application). I know ensemble does this and instantiates a parallel camera if 3d is not supported.
>>> As for why it isn't supported, there are a lot of reasons that lead to a card not being supported, usually it fails to meet one of our minimal requirements.
>>> On May 20, 2012, at 8:32 AM, Adam Granger <adam at> wrote:
>>>> Yes depth test enabled, I'm trying to run some code that worked fine under
>>>> Windows/JavaFX 2.0
>>>>> Did you enable depth testing?
>>>>> Am 20.05.2012 12:24, schrieb Adam Granger:
>>>>>> Greetings,
>>>>>> I'm trying to get JavaFX going on my somewhat ageing first-gen Intel
>>>>>> iMac (GPU - ATI Radeon X1600) using JavaFX 2.2 b08. However, anything I
>>>>>> do involving 3D (PerspectiveCamera + depthTest etc)  does not render
>>>>>> correctly... as if there is no depth buffer - like I saw 6 months ago:
>>>>>> I've done some digging around, and found this:
>>>>>> "If your system does not support Prism, then JavaFX uses the Java2D
>>>>>> software pipeline under Prism."
>>>>>> ==========
>>>>>> This was the output I got using -Dprism.verbose=true
>>>>>> Prism pipeline init order: es2 j2d
>>>>>> Using t2k for text rasterization
>>>>>> Using dirty region optimizations
>>>>>> Prism pipeline name = com.sun.prism.es2.ES2Pipeline
>>>>>> Loading ES2 native library ...
>>>>>>   succeeded.
>>>>>> (X) Got class = class com.sun.prism.es2.ES2Pipeline
>>>>>> **** GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object detected ****
>>>>>> Failed ES2GPUQualifier check.
>>>>>> System GPU doesn't meet the es2 pipe requirement
>>>>>> GraphicsPipeline.createPipeline: error initializing pipeline
>>>>>> com.sun.prism.es2.ES2Pipeline
>>>>>> *** Fallback to Prism SW pipeline
>>>>>> Prism pipeline name = com.sun.prism.j2d.J2DPipeline
>>>>>> (X) Got class = class com.sun.prism.j2d.J2DPipeline
>>>>>> Initialized prism pipeline: com.sun.prism.j2d.J2DPipeline
>>>>>> ==========
>>>>>> Questions:
>>>>>> 1) do these sys reqs also apply to the 2.2 Mac builds
>>>>>> 2) is this true that if your GPU is not supported then only 2D support
>>>>>> is provided? or is it more likely I'm going something wrong?
>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>> Adam.
>>>>> --
>>>>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> Dr. Michael Paus, Chairman of the Java User Group Stuttgart e.V. (JUGS).
>>>>> For more information visit

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