JavaFX 3D

John C. Turnbull ozemale at
Sun May 27 02:52:12 PDT 2012


-----Original Message-----
From: openjfx-dev-bounces at
[mailto:openjfx-dev-bounces at] On Behalf Of Anthony
Sent: Sunday, 27 May 2012 19:43
To: Richard Bair
Cc: openjfx-dev at
Subject: Re: JavaFX 3D

I agree with having a unified scene graph, but wouldn't it be possible to
see everything as 3D objects, where 2D nodes are merely part of the surface
of those 3D objects? (to me this would imply discarding 2.5D transforms

Just an idea that may or may not be useful, but suppose, as an example:
* a cube
* a property "paint" (of type Paint) for the surface of a 3D object
* make a new subclass of Paint, ScenicPaint, which has the same behavior of
a Scene, but allows to be used as the paint of the surface of a 3D object
* a property "interactive" (a boolean) for a surface. This means it allows
the user to double-click on the surface, which would cause the camera to be
centered on this surface, so that it fills the whole scene (cfr. the lookAt
property of Camera)

So i would then be able to create a cube, create 6 scenes exactly the same
as i currently would for a 2D application. Then i would set each of those
scenes on a different surface of the cube & make the whole cube interactive.
Then the user could watch the cube from different angles & double-click any
surface. The scene is then centered on that surface, allowing the user to
interact with the controls on it (e.g. filling in a
form) and when the user is done, it 's easy to go back to the "3D world" 
(so a ScenicPaint would only be interactive while the surface "has focus").
Of course there may be menu's & such, allowing to immediately center on
another surface in the 3D world. It should thus also be possible to disable
"going 3D" altogether, so that the application appears as a simple 2D
program, but is really 3D behind the curtains (e.g. have a simple cube,
centered on the front side, where the paint property is changed every time
the user switches scenes).

So then you would also be able to apply "flattening" operations on the
surface of a 3D object, but not on the 3D objects themselves.
So there would be a scene graph for the 3D objects, & each ScenicPaint (that
is used as the paint of a surface) would then have a separate scene graph...
hm, not sure if this would still be a unified scene graph then :)

Kind regards


Op 25/05/2012 22:10, Richard Bair schreef:
> I've done a lot more thinking on this and am really coming back to
thinking that it is just best to have a single unified scene graph. In any
case (whether we have basically a 2D/2.5D scene graph and separate 3D scene
graph) we have to deal with the fact that in the 2.5D world we flatten under
certain circumstances. Also by having two scene graphs we complicated
matters by having to have adapters for putting 3D into 2.5D and vice versa.
We also have to deal with API drift etc. Overall I think that will end up
making it all more complicated.
> Instead, I'm thinking we would benefit from just fitting 3D into the
existing scene graph, and carefully documenting that "opacity", "blendMode",
etc will end up "flattening" the sub tree (they only matter on a Parent, on
leaves there is no weirdness). If we make this very clear, then I think it
will be better to just have a unified scene graph.
> I have some ideas and some questions. These thoughts are all my own
(having bounced them off Jasper), so I'm not saying this is the "way it is",
but rather, here's what I'm thinking now and we'll of course refine and
throw some things out and include other things as we go here through the
> Making it 3D:
> Can we just turn depthTest enabled by default and set the camera to a
perspective camera by default? My main concern, is that presently when
anybody does a 3D transform or drops a 3D node into the scene graph, it
simply doesn't work. Instead they have to enable depthTest at the global
scene level, and then turn it off on the root node, and then turn it on
again wherever it is needed. And they have to set the perspective camera.
> I don't understand the intricacies well enough, but I would much 
> prefer that when I do a 3D transform or drop a 3D node into the scene 
> graph, that it "just works" :-)
> If we cannot change these defaults for some reason, this needs to be
clearly documented and we need to add a Scene3D which extends Scene and adds
this stuff by default. Then you can pick a Scene or Scene3D depending on
what type of app you're building. It still isn't perfect but might be OK.
> Cameras, Lights, Audio:
> In a 3D scene graph we need to support multiple cameras, lights, and
directed audio sources. Having these be part of the scene graph, where they
can be transformed and moved within a Group or other Parent, or animate
along a path using a PathTransition, would be very convenient. However there
is some state on Node which just doesn't make sense for a DirectedAudio
node, for example, opacity.
> So right now, you can set a single camera on the Scene. This camera is the
one used for drawing the scene. It has a default position etc such that it
is centered in the window. However you could have multiple cameras looking
at different parts of the scene graph, and the switch which camera is used
for the Scene, for example.
> In this case, having "opacity", "effect" etc might actually make sense for
a Camera, and thus maybe Camera could extend Node. So the idea is that
Camera extends Node and can be placed in the scene graph. It doesn't draw
anything itself, it just lives in the scene graph. However if you set the
Camera on the Stage, then it draws the scene graph from its perspective, and
applies any effect, clip, etc as specified on the Camera node.
> We could also add a CameraView node, which would take a Camera. For
example, your game might have a car driving through a course. There is a
camera looking from the drivers viewpoint, from above and behind the car
looking forward, and one looking backwards from the rear view mirror. The
user can toggle the Scene's camera between the driver's view&  above&behind
view. The rear-view mirror would be a CameraView with a clip applied (to
make it look like a rear view mirror), and it would use the rear-view mirror
camera for its input.
> Camera also could have added to it a lookAt property of type node. If
specified, the camera will automatically be transformed to look at a
specific node, regardless of where the node goes or the camera goes.
> Another way to go is to have Camera not be a Node, but to have a "follow"
property of type Node. Essentially the Camera will use the world transform
of that Node to define its own position.
> Lighting and directed audio want to also have transforms and be part of
the scene graph, conceptually, although opacity, effect, and other such
properties really do not affect the final output. I'm not totally sure on
lighting though and how it fits in. If we go with the "follow" property on
Camera instead of making it a node, we could do the same here. Typically
you'd then use a Group with no children as the node that is positioned in
the scene graph, so that it ends up doing no rendering, but you could
actually affix the camera / light / audio source to anything.
> 2.5D Transforms:
> Right now, it is kind of a pain to do 2.5D transforms. For example, if I
want to rotate a 2D node around the Y axis, then I have to set the camera to
be a perspective camera. But the camera is centered over the scene, so the
perspective being applied is not what a 2D app would expect. So you want the
camera to be centered over the node being transformed. We need to handle
this use case better by providing some way to indicate that a perspective
transform is being used on this node and the camera needs to be centered
over the node. I don't know that this can be done implicitly, we probably
need to have some flag or setting to indicate this.
> 3D Primitives:
> I would like to have basic primitives such as Box, Sphere, Cylinder, etc.
We would design it so that if you apply opacity to a Box, for example, then
we will handle the vertex sorting so that it looks "right" (ie: the
back-most sides of the Box are drawn first and blended correctly with the
later drawn top-most sides).
> I would like to have a Mesh (and maybe it is Mesh + MeshView so the same
Mesh can be reused). We might have a couple Mesh classes -- one that has a
simple API for basic stuff or people coming fresh to the world of 3D, and a
more complicated API that is way more efficient. I'm not sure, maybe we just
go with hard-core.
> A Mesh would allow you to define your own vertices, normals, texture
coords, etc. Basically with Mesh you have full control over the geometry. We
could provide some mechanism for the developer to sort their mesh based on
the scene transform, so that transparency can be made to work correctly. The
idea is that we could have a callback such that during sync (before grabbing
the render lock), we'd tell the developer it is time to sort anything, and
let them have at it.
> I'd also like us to have bones and joints support, so that stuff we showed
at JavaOne last year are possible using real API.
> Scene Graph Semantics:
> Every node in the scene graph has many properties, most of which are
perfectly suited to the semantics of a 3D scene graph, but some of which
just aren't. For example, Opacity, Effect, Blend Mode, Cache, and Clip are
2D specific use cases that require (in many cases) flattening the sub graph
into a texture and then applying the property to that texture.
> This we just have to clearly document. And in normal 3D applications, you
wouldn't be using these properties. Opacity is a real obvious difference.
The problem here is that opacity in a 2D semantic should be such that,
semantically, when you apply transparency to a group it renders everything
into a texture and causes the entire thing to go transparent equally. In a
3D scene graph, it instead is a property (or attribute) assigned to each of
the leaf nodes individually.
> So we could add a property to node called "opacityMultiplier" for example,
and that would be the semantic that a 3D scene graph would typically use. Or
we could have a special Group subclass which defines opacity, clip, etc as
properties which apply to its children instead of to itself, and then when
constructing a 3D scene graph you would use this Group3D class instead of
Group or whatnot. Or we could add the idea of an "attribute" which is just
some special type that you can set on a Parent and it will apply to all of
its children itself of itself, and then have an OpacityAttribute type, etc.
> I'm not sure which way I prefer, but we'd have to sort this out somehow.
> Shaders:
> Right now, all of our effects cause render-to-texture flattening, but I
could imagine that some (like color adjust, sepia, etc) could actually not
require render-to-texture flattening. Basically, if we don't have to do
read-back of the destination, then we could avoid render-to-texture (i
think, maybe that is wrong though and it is no read-back or reading of
source other than on the current pixel. That is probably more accurate).
Such effects we could duly mark as requiring no flattening.
> We could then perhaps make a new class Shader an Effect that requires no
flattening. The Shader then takes a GLSL / HSL script as its implementation.
This would be a mechanism for custom effects, basically. We could then use
them on any node, 2D or 3D, and they wouldn't require flattening so we'd get
the right semantics in the 3D part of the scene graph.
> Other Stuff:
> At present, we tessellate all 2D primitives when they go into 3D space.
However this leads to unsightly jaggies. Rather, I think we should
semantically treat any 2D leaf node translated into 3D as a texture. 3D
nodes always would be tessellated, and we'd provide some API (on Scene?
Scene3D?) to set the MSAA level to use. Groups and such translated in 3D
would not be render-to-texture. I'm not sure if / how this will work with
z-fighting and such to deal with.
> We also need some level-of-detail support. Not sure what this would look
> Speaking of which, when it comes to ImageView in 3D, there is probably a
bunch of new API that would be needed. At least, we should have some kind of
MipMapping support so that we get level of detail for images. Maybe level of
detail support for primitives would just be a simple dial, and on Meshes
there would be a callback that you'd have to implement to deal with LOD.
> We also have an ImagePaint which could be used for simple texture mapping
on 3D primitives, but if you're going to do anything serious we'd need to
add a lot more control over the uv coords. Or maybe on the primitives we
don't give that level of control and you have to use a Mesh if you want to
get that kind of control. Most such things are going to be produced in some
3D content authoring tool anyway, and then exported / imported into FX, and
so will be using Mesh anyway rather than primitives, I would guess.
> We could add a Canvas3D which was basically OpenGL ES 2.0 (or some subset
thereof) . We'd have to map this onto D3D on windows. Although maybe instead
we just provide a handle to the surface such that you could use JOGL,
Java3D, or native code for drawing your own canvas, and then we just
composite this into the scene graph. From a practical perspective this is
probably a heck of a lot easier to do and enables existing code to run in
the scene graph, so from that perspective of interop this is probably the
first thing to do before adding a new Canvas3D.
> Probably need to add some kind of Billboard node.
> Conclusion:
> OK, that's about as far as I got. I wanted to get it out to this list so
you could chime in, and we're hoping to have some internal discussion next
week in a face-to-face to whiteboard things and work through problems, so
maybe it will be all completely discredited by next week, but at least to my
current thinking I'm kind of liking the above proposal / thoughts. What do
you think?
> Richard

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