Default behaviors (from Multi-touch thread)

Richard Bair richard.bair at
Wed May 30 17:31:10 PDT 2012

I guess I don't get the question. The "ScrollEvent" is created either based on mouse wheel or on drag events depending on the context (touch screen vs. mouse vs. touchpad).


On May 26, 2012, at 2:55 AM, goddard at wrote:

> No opinions? Or no profiles? Does that mean we won't have to worry about WORA anymore? :)
> Regards, Jiri
> ------------ Původní zpráva ------------
> Od:  <goddard at>
> Předmět: Default behaviors (from Multi-touch thread)
> Datum: 25.5.2012 11:26:50
> ----------------------------------------
> "It's about default behavior and uniform UI. Naturally everyone can code their
> own dragging, but it would be great if certain things came out of the box. If
> you pull a ScrollPane from the toolbox, it is default setup to scroll by using
> the scrollbars. This is not the way this is done when using touch, then you
> would use a drag. So there is a difference between the default behavior."
> Brings the question of profiles for desktop/mobile in my opinion. How's that
> going to be handled?
> Jiri

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